Oracle Report ~ Monday, April 6, 2015

Full Moon in Scorpio: illumination, revelation

Ruling Wisdom Goddess: Shodashi (Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest and Best Interests), Matangi (Goddess Who Purges What is Not in Our Highest and Best Interests), Dhumavati (Goddess Who Sorts)

Skill: recognize patterns

Positive Imprints: FINDING THINGS, rediscovery, balance, seeing how to not lose yourself, expanding sense of identity, opening up space, cooperation, seeing beyond illusion, reflection, perseverance, inter-relating, divine intervention

Catalysts for Change: feeling like giving up on something, anger, shocks, fiery outbursts, obsession with loss, refusing to relate, issues with aging, over-emphasis on appearance, isolation, uncompromising

Aya Sofia, Istanbul on the full moon. Look carefully for a bird that flew in and perched – photo by Stefanie

Where to begin?

Let’s start with recapping the Full Moon/Eclipse. The Sabian symbol for the degree of Saturday’s Full Moon (15 Libra) is “circular paths.” The energy brings back the past, repeating patterns of the past, and feelings about the past. This is the energetic that is still in effect, since we are still in the Full Moon phase.

But, in a monumental way, the past is being swept away. The “circular paths” of the past are being eclipsed – cut off, taken away. Two reasons for this are the Full Moon’s eclipse and the fact that this entire lunar month is a close-out of a grand cycle of time (discussed in the audio overview that is posted). Continue reading

Melting The Boulders Of Your Beliefs

patternsNorma Gentile – There seemed to be much hoopla and fanfare around the solar eclipse that occurred near the March 20, 2015 equinox. But there is a lunar eclipse sneaking up on us on April 4, and I believe it is the more important of the two. While most people are not paying much attention to it, this next eclipse is surrounded by potent astrological alignments that open a three-week portal of time which can help us change direction in our lives.

Transforming painful life patterns

From time to time, due to astrological alignments, we have the opportunity to move difficult, intractable underlying life patterns into a cosmic stream not unlike the flow of water from a faucet. These next few weeks are one of those times.

My guides say it is like when you put your hand under a faucet with the water running; you can easily re-direct the stream of water with very little effort. The water is already in motion, and you are simply encouraging this motion to move forward or back, to the right, or left. Continue reading