Manafort Lawsuit Will Likely Shut Down Deep State Mueller Investigation!

mueller investigationJoe Hoft – Today’s report on the filing of a suit against the “Deep State” DOJ, Rosenstein and Mueller by Paul Manafort is a HUGE story. Manafort’s suit is likely to shut down Mueller investigation!

No wonder the MSM came out with the Bannon – Trump story today. Whenever a huge story comes out about Criminal and Corrupt Mueller and Rosenstein and the Deep State led DOJ, another story is released by the MSM to change the subject in the media. Today the MSM talked about Breitbart’s Steve Bannon’s remarks about members of President Trump’s family. These remarks have not yet been substantiated. However, the much bigger story in the news is that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort sued the DOJ, Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein and is demanding the Mueller investigation be shut down! Continue reading

Judge Napolitano: Donald Trump Caught in Wiretap at Trump Tower [Video]

Jim Hoft – Judge Andrew Napolitano joined Stuart Varney on Tuesday to discuss the shocking report that the Obama FBI was spying on the Trump Campaign during the election.

The FBI wiretapped Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort’s office in Trump Tower.
Napolitano argues this definitely included spying on the future President Trump.
President Trump tweeted in March that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower. Continue reading