Become a Peace Creator

peaceOwen K Waters – In the old tradition, the serious spiritual aspirant would ideally head for a cave and shut themselves inside until they reached some degree of enlightenment. Peace was a by-product of such isolation, partly because the aspirant was no longer in contact with the turmoil being constantly generated by a suffering humanity.

Today, that concept is being overturned for one more heart-centered. In The Shift to higher awareness, the idea of peace has expanded to include its full yin and yang aspects. The passive yin part is the mellow bliss of inner peace, while the active yang part actually spreads peace to those members of humanity who most desperately need its soothing balm. Continue reading

Peace. Now.

Peace. NowThe Angels – You can find peace in a chaotic world. You need not wait for conditions, people, or anything in your external life to change. You can be calm as circumstances and energies whirl around you and simply observe without participating vibrationally in the chaos.

There is peace at the center of a storm when you remain centered in your true essence.

You have been and always will be at the center of your own vibrational universe. Your world is a co-creation between all souls who participate in it, as much as a symphony is a co-creation between all the instruments and players that participate.

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Create Freedom – A Harmony-Gratitude Operated Matrix

Create your own Freedom – Harmony-Gratitude Operated MatrixAdama – Sit back and breathe deeply. Enjoy the peace that surrounds you now. In your planetary journey you have achieved a level where you have fully gained back all the tools that once in your divine enbodyment already belonged to you. The time when the veil did not allow you to see the whole spectrum of ‘happenings’ around and within you is finally ending.

This is a new chapter when you can gain back your FULL comprehension of all the limitations of the dimensional setup you entered in your recent 3D human experience. Continue reading

When Is The Last Time You Were Genuinely Yourself?

peaceElina St-Onge – Being 100% authentic to who you are, and at peace with it. Living from the Heart. Feeling comfortable within yourself. At all times. With everyone. No matter what “people dynamics” you are exposed to.

Now that’s a tough one for an ego who needs the approval, love and acceptance of others. Inner-peace sure is conditional when we are afraid to have our mind and its beliefs challenged in one way or another. But instead of basing our actions and state of being according to the fears, worries and desires of our ego, what we should ask our heart instead is: Continue reading

Individual ‘peacefields’ are interconnected

individual ‘peacefields’ are all interconnected.John Smallman – As the human collective continues to rush hotfoot forward toward the Now moment of its most glorious awakening, keep setting and resetting your intent to be only loving whatever arises. Doing just this is enormously powerful.

It is your own individual, and also the collective’s intent for humanity to awaken, and that intent is unstoppable and irreversible because it is completely in alignment with God’s Will for you all. Your awakening is divinely assured.

As you wait, pray, and meditate enthusiastically and expectantly every day, you know, in spite of any doubts with which your egos may be assailing you, that you are deep into the awakening process, and that this is a time to be in good spirits.

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