How To Find Peace With Your Mind

“There is only one thing more powerful than all the armies of the world, that is an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo

The mind is always busy thinking. It’s continuously planning, pretending, yearning, wishing, hoping and scheming for things to be better than what they are. The mind is basically active creating something about 99% of your life, looking into the past and future, trying to figure out how it can get exactly what it wants. The interesting thing is that the mind doesn’t realize that there is the most glorious amazing gift of bliss available if it can simply remain present to the here and now. Continue reading

Living in Appreciation

 Living in AppreciationThe Angels – Those of you who are soon to celebrate your holiday of Thanksgiving know that the holiday centers around appreciation. You take time to appreciate family, friends, or some quiet time for yourself.  You take time to appreciate a diversity of food, fun, activities, or rest.

You take time to put the world’s problems aside so you can enjoy the things that truly matter in your lives – love, laughter, relaxation, sharing, & caring. Even if you spend the holiday alone in peace, you take time to commune with that which is peaceful and beautiful inside yourself. Every day can be a day of giving thanks. Every moment offers opportunities for appreciation. Continue reading

Your Effect Times Three Thousand

Your Effect Times Three ThousandOwen Waters – Lightworkers generally avoid listening to the news but sometimes it gets noisy enough to make you wonder what all the fuss is. So, you listen, hopefully through an intuitive window of knowing as a necessary filter. Even so, listening to the news can end up being about as much fun as ripping a bandage off a big wound!

The latest crisis in the news is especially steeped in danger. As such, we are reminded that a crisis often brings, not just danger, but also opportunity. Continue reading

The Best Elixir In A Difficult Reality

The Best Elixir In A Difficult RealityVeronica – In physical reality the pursuit of happiness is a common theme. For each incarnate a feeling of peace and completeness is often very different from person to person.

It is important to remember that happiness is not an exterior moment. One simply cannot create properly if the positive energy is not an interior one.

We speak to many who are on the search for peace and tranquility. We suggest that one can look externally outside of the self only to find it elusive. Therefore seeking internally is really the best way to succeed in this endeavor. Continue reading

How Mental Quietness Leads to Wellbeing

When the Mind StopsSteve Taylor, Ph.D. – How often is your mind quiet? If you’re a typical human being, the answer is probably very rarely. For most of our days, our attention is immersed in external things—the tasks of our jobs, our hobbies and chores, or TV programs, magazines, or blogs or social media interactions.

In the moments when our attention isn’t immersed externally, we’re usually immersed in what I call “thought-chatter’—a stream of mental associations consisting of anticipations of the future, memories, daydreams, replayed fragments of conversations and songs, and so on. Continue reading