We Have the Peak Oil Myth – Now Peak Water Too?

Makia Freeman – Peak water is the idea that, like peak oil, water is a limited resource that we are running out of.

waterArtificial scarcity is an age-old trick used by merchants to suppress the supply of a resource or product in order to increase its price. This financial trick is especially noticeable in the oil industry (controlled by the usual New World Order elite families). The Rockefellers propagated the peak oil myth at the Geneva Convention in 1892. John D. Rockefeller used his paid scientists to contend that as oil is composed of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, it must be a residue from living matter, and thus it is a fossil fuel! Twisted logic indeed. The Russians discovered that oil was abiotic decades ago. Oil is normally drilled at 30,000 feet, whereas real fossils are normally not found below 16,000 feet; the whole thing is a scam.

Now, new information brought forth by researcher Deborah Tavares of StoptheCrime.net  suggests we are looking at another fable – this time “peak water.” The water crisis occurring in California (and elsewhere) is a water crisis hoax in the sense that we are being conditioned to accept artificial scarcity as real scarcity.

Control Water, Control Life

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