More Exclusive Information From VL DHS Insider! – #PedoGate & Jeff Sessions Under Attack [Video]

According to our DHS Insider, “There is a concerted attack on Sessions due to his zeroing in on the pedophilia scandal called Pedogate. John McCain and Lindsay Graham are secretly working with Chuck Schumer and members of the clandestine services of both US and Israel to remove Sessions, or at least stop the Pedophilia investigation in its tracks.”

As you probably know, what is now becoming known as “Pedogate” represents not only hundreds of millions of dollars in hush money, but also untold political influence-peddling.

Reince Priebus is also a key player in covering up the scandal, as is Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, John Podesta , Hillary and Bill Clinton, and of course Barack Obama.

SF Source Victurus Libertas VL March 2017

DHS Insider Blows PedoGate Wide Open

“Arrests Coming”–Only A Matter Of Time!

victuruslibertas.comVL has been fortunate enough to work with some awesome people!  We have loyal and awakened followers who help bring us information, and we also have trusted insiders, whistleblowers and leakers who trust us enough to give us information, too.  Today, we have an exclusive interview with a special DHS insider who has answered some critical questions we have on PizzaGate.  Our insider prefers to call it PedoGate and what he told us blew our minds!

We are so fortunate that members of the Intel community like our work and feel they can trust us. We have been trying to get to the bottom of PizzaGate for months and the answers we got from our DHS insider stunned and shocked us. Here we go!

Q. So, in the Intelligence community, how chaotic is the atmosphere now?

A. In my 34 years of Governmental service, I have never seen anything like it.  It’s the bifurcation of the entire intelligence apparatus.

Q. It seems the intel community has it in for Trump – is this your feeling?

A. There are many Trump supporters within the FBI.  The CIA, however,  is against Trump because Trump threatens to ruin their game in the middle east.

Q. Can you elaborate?

A. CIA and Mossad work in tandem with British intel.  The goal for the CIA was to replace Assad with a puppet and to topple Iran so we could access their oil.  Israel works closely with it’s “sister”, Saudi Arabia, to help this dark cause. Continue reading

Can Trump Red Pill America?

mediaThomas Zaja – The only thing as unpredictable as Donald Trump’s path to victory in the general election is perhaps his path out of it. Few can be sure of how Trump will hit the ground running after his motley of cabinet appointees and pledge to exculpate Hillary Clinton from prosecution.

Some in the Alt Right think that the honeymoon is over, whereas those in the Alt Lite are delighted to see their civic nationalist President signalling newfound moderation – the only exception being his UN-vote flare-up of Israeli irridentism. The party seems to be over, and unfortunately it’s not the GOP.

However, there are still a number of promising permutations of a Trump presidency that could deliver much-needed doses of political and ideological realism for a nationalist palingenesis. The ground is fertile in an America fatigued by wars, social problems, and government overreach. And then there is liberal America, where tens of millions truly believe that there is an epidemic of racist police shootings, that diversity is a strength, and that tougher gun laws will fix Chicago. They believe the media concerning Arctic ice predictions and the government on unemployment statistics. Many of these sentimental myths hang in the balance, along with several more macabre conspiracies that the Trump Administration could blow the lid off to the horror of the incumbent establishment and their mainstream minions.

This is the origin of the effort to avoid a Trump presidency at all costs. The real Donald Trump is a “conspiracy theorist” and man of the people, which is a good thing considering the decades of corruption stemming from the unbroken rule of groomed insiders. Washington elites are people who believe in social engineering, might is right, psy-ops, nihilism, and plebeian profitability-disposability. Much of the post-election talk imploring Trump to act “more presidential” and “like an adult” is mere code language for getting with the program and being a team player.

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