How To Master Your Desires

“When we feel we are powerless, our ego most wants to change the things in our world.”  – Gregg Braden

HealthJafree Ozwald – The burning energy of desire is essential to life. Without it, we would have no forward movement. There wouldn’t be an urge to take action or create anything. We would all be sitting in the dark, just being very still, and barely breathing.

We wouldn’t want to eat, dance, sing, or be fully self expressed. The vital essence of desire is what keeps you alive. It’s the magical fuel that propels your life into tomorrow, allowing you to create and recreate yourself in a multitude of outrageous ways. Continue reading

The Third Side Of The Coin

“Experience life in all possible ways — good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don’t be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.” ~Osho

CoinJafree Ozwald – Life is a cosmic mystery. We are constantly thrown from one experience to the next. One moment we are feeling high, then low, happy then sad, clear then confused. The polarities that we experience create a divine challenge which is meant to make us dig deeper inside for the real answer. The real answers in life are those that transcend all questions and bring you directly home to the heart and soul of your very being. This open minded enlightened approach to life is what I refer to as the discovery of the “third side of the coin”.

We all know that every coin contains two sides, yet most people forget there is a fine edge that holds the “heads and tails” together. Its along this third side that you can walk along that thin line, balanced in the moment totally free from life’s extremes.

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