Top Herbs That Lead To Quick Weight Loss

“For people who eat when they are stressed, [peppermint] is a great herb to drink as a tea, take as a supplement or use as an essential oil.” Sandeep

weight loss
Dandelion blossom jelly

Sandeep ~ Individuals who carry an excess amount of weight on their frames can face a number of health problems. Being overweight has been linked to an increase in blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. In addition, being overweight makes it more difficult for people to move and exercise and these effects often domino. Being sedentary can lead to a greater weight gain as well as an increase in the above health conditions.

Making lifestyle changes, such as eating more healthy foods and exercising on a regular basis, is a great way to get started losing weight. Sometimes the progress can seem a bit slower than the individual would like it to be. The following herbs help to increase the amount of weight loss so that results are seen more quickly.


The oft-maligned dandelion weed is actually a powerful aid in the weight loss arena. Each part of the lowly dandelion flower and herb can be ingested. In addition to it being prized for its cleansing properties, dandelion helps to neutralize toxins, keep blood sugar levels normal, reduce inflammation and make the body more alkaline. An individual can consume dandelion as a tea, in the form of a supplement or eat some of the leafy greens.

Milk thistle

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Stomach Ache Remedies – 5 Natural Solutions For Upset Stomach

Natural Society May 24 2013

Abdominal pain
Fennel seeds

It should come as no surprise that in times without pink Pepto Bismol or fizzy Alka Seltzer, there indeed were natural stomach ache remedies, whether the cause be from poor digestion, lack of proper digestive enzymes, or eating a questionable meal. There can be many underlying reasons for a belly ache, including a hiatal hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), but don’t worry – there are natural remedies for these discomforts.

Here are 5 natural stomach ache remedies to replace your pharmaceutical solutions.

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