Shadow Work 101: Just Claim it All

permissionSarah Elkhaldy – People will say you are too love and light if they are not comfortable with the light. People will say you are too negative if they can’t face the darkness in this reality. They will say you’re egotistical if they are not comfortable with owning their own power. They will say you are too spiritual if they are not comfortable with Spirit. See the pattern here?

People are going to say what they will in accordance with their level of perception as well as their capacity to integrate each aspect of Source. Due to the depthless analysis and cursory impressions from society, everyone who is evolving into their sovereignty will have to choose what they value more: the perception of others or honoring their own path. Continue reading

If We Are Free Sovereign Beings, Why Do We Ask For Permission?

Sovereignty is a concept fundamental to our freedom. Without individual sovereignty, we are merely slaves. Without true independence, we may only walk someone else’s path.

As humanity continues to wake up to our true nature of being, to our divine relationship with our world and unbroken connection to the Source of life, it is crucial that we truly understand what it is to be a ‘sovereign being’. To begin, let’s look at the definition of the word ‘sovereign’ so we all start on the same page.

The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘sovereign’ as:

Sovereign /ˈsɒvrɪn (adjective):

  • Acting or done independently and without outside interference.
  • Possessing supreme or ultimate power.

So in considering our sovereignty, the question really is… Do we truly live “independently and without outside interference”? Do we possess “supreme or ultimate power” over our lives? And if not, who does?

Sovereigns and Subjects

How often do we hear the terms ‘Sovereign Nation’, ‘Sovereign State’, ‘Sovereign Debt’ or ‘The Sovereign Monarch’?

Despite its definition, today, we attribute the value of sovereignty only to institutions; to nations and monarchs. So consider…

If a monarch is sovereign and there is only one monarch, there can be only one sovereign – only one who acts independently and without outside interference. What about the rest of us? Don’t monarchs have subjects? Subject to what, you may wonder? Subject to outside interference, from those possessing supreme or ultimate power?

Let’s examine the word ‘Subject’ for a moment. Continue reading