Thiel-funded Rumble joins Musk in suing speech police

Greg Piper – Tech billionaire Peter Thiel drove Gawker into bankruptcy by funding an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit against the tabloid news site by Terry Bollea, known as former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan, whose sex tape Gawker published.

Gawker’s defenders alleged Thiel’s involvement was “payback” for having outed him as gay several years before.

“It’s less about revenge and more about specific deterrence,” he said in 2016 in his first interview after his identity was revealed. “I saw Gawker pioneer a unique and incredibly damaging way of getting attention by bullying people even when there was no connection with the public interest.” Continue reading

Billionaire Technocrats Creating An Autocratic Reality

Billionaire Technocrats Creating An Autocratic RealityJonathan Taplin – Four very powerful billionaires—Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Marc Andreessen—are creating a world where “nothing is true and all is spectacle.” If we are to inquire how we got to a place of radical income inequality, post-truth reality, and the looming potential for a second American Civil War, we need look no further than these four—“the biggest wallets,” to paraphrase historian Timothy Snyder, “paying for the most blinding lights.”

I call them the Technocrats, in recognition of the influence of the technocracy movement, founded in the 1930s by Elon Musk’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman. The Technocrats make up a kind of interlocking directorate of Silicon Valley, each investing in or sitting on the boards of the others’ companies. Continue reading

The Brain-Computer Interface Is Already Here

Joe Allen – Neuralink is ready to stick chips in humans. Synchron and Blackrock Neurotech have already done it—as have many others.

People talk about brain implants as if they’re an imagined biohorror in the distant future. This is a misconception. Hardwired trodes already exist, they’re more widespread than you think, and they’ll only be more prevalent as time goes on.

Today, it’s an iPhone 14 under the Xmas tree. Come the Singularity, transhumanists hope and pray, it’ll be an iTrode 666 in your cerebral cortex. Continue reading

Incestuous Media Breeds An Ignorant Public

TruthstreamMedia  August 6 2013

Donald E. Graham

Now we know at least one of the reasons why billionaire founder Jeff Bezos has been attending Bilderberg with frequency in the past few years.

Bezos just announced his purchase of the Washington Post, long owned by the Graham family. Reuters reported:

Amazon Inc founder Jeff Bezos has agreed to buy the newspaper assets of the Washington Post Co, including its flagship daily, for $250 million.


Washington Post Chairman and Chief Executive Donald E. Graham, whose family owns the paper, said it would be better served with another owner.

Both Jeff Bezos and Donald Graham are frequent attendees at the secretive Bilderberg confab, though it’s not clear if they ever attended simultaneously. As owners of the Washington Post, both Donald and his mother Katherine Graham (now deceased) have been long time attendees and close collaborators in carrying its agenda while maintaining quiet about the influential meeting itself. This is evident in David Rockefeller’s well known quote from 1991 at the Baden, Germany Bilderberg meeting:

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