How to Be Unstoppably Happy

choiceJafree Ozwald – There are many people who have spent lifetimes striving to reach their dreams and goals which they believe will one day make them happy. Yet, most find themselves addicted to the pursuit of their vision, and the fantasy of what may come, instead of actually enjoying being happy in their lives today.

The truth is there are as many distractions inside us as there are on the outside of us, and they are ALL excuses that say it’s not possible to be happy right now. The secret we have discovered to becoming unstoppably happy is simply to see how happiness is not far away at all. It is always a choice readily available to you in each new moment. Continue reading

The 3 Secrets To Mastering Your Mind

“Do not rely on your mind for liberation. Go beyond it altogether. Be aware of being aware. Broaden and deepen the field of awareness. You are beyond space and time, uncaused, the very matrix of existence, the Supreme Absolute… the Source of being, life and consciousness.” – Nisargadatta

The 3 Secrets To Mastering Your MindJafree Ozwald – You may be more busy and distracted than you realize or even want to admit. The mind tends to get fixated on thoughts about your survival, as it keeps itself occupied with getting all those ever so important things done so you can remain happy, successful, loved, at peace and free.

The mind tends to form habitual ways of thinking which give you a sense of security in life and can experience yourself as you and not someone else. If you only had brand new and original unique thoughts all day long and all life long, you probably wouldn’t have any clue about who or what you are. Continue reading

The Power Of Thought Molds Experienced Reality

consciousnessEric Janovsky – First of all we need to understand the power of the consciousness and how it molds our reality. This is the first lesson of understanding how we can change the present cycle we are living in.

Most people are beginning to realize the power of the mind and how easy it is to control situations and our environments and ultimately the outcome of life itself.

Scientists today are starting to learn that our consciousness creates matter. So in effect we create our own reality. We are all controlled much more than we think and if only we knew the rules of our consciousness and how we have come by the life we lead, we would be more in control of the world and it would be a happier place to live. We would have far more abundance, there would be no starvation, and no wars, religions would unite. We would understand that we are not alone and never have been. Continue reading

Laugh Your Way To Abundance And Freedom

HealthJafree Ozwald – When was the last time you experienced a deep belly laugh? Laughter not only feels good, it also produces a powerful manifesting energy that will literally shift your ability to attract what you desire.

When you laugh, your aura literally expands, and the entire energetic field connected to this bio-magnetic field opens up to greater abundance, love, health, and infinite possibilities that exist in the world around you. The light carefree energy of laughter is like a “happy magnet” which will only attract more joyful experiences to you. You tend to attract whatever it is you need in a natural and effortless way. Continue reading

The Secret to Discovering Higher Consciousness

“The only way to be happy is to love. Unless you love, your life will flash by.” – Tree of Life

consciousnessJafree Ozwald – Whenever something… anything happens to you in life, open your heart to it. Even if you are afraid of it and you have judged it as “wrong”, still go into it fully with a welcome open accepting heart. Otherwise the mind will get in the way and contaminate the lesson your soul is learning.

Your mind is fabulous at judging things, and all judgment ends up creating heavy, defensive, fear-based energy in your body. Your heart is a master at acceptance. It is designed to accept everything and everyone as they are. It can melt through any fearful moment and help you understand that everything that happens to you is for your soul’s evolution towards enlightenment.

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