Evolutionary Eclipse Gateway

lightMeg Benedicte – We are currently experiencing the gateway between 2 power-filled eclipses, plus 6 planets retrograde including Mercury Retrograde till July 31st. We are already seeing signs of next Tuesday’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 24° Capricorn.

The sun moved into exact opposition to Saturn in Capricorn this week and opposite Pluto on July 14th, rippling through the halls of power and the top-tier power brokers. We are getting a preview of what is to come during the Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22° Capricorn on Jan. 12th 2020.

With so many planets in retrograde, we are deep-diving into the hidden unconscious patterns, memories and core wounds of the past…bringing it to our attention for review and introspection. I’ve been noticing many, including myself, are purging the lower 3D Chakras since the Solar Eclipse last week. Much is being triggered by the incoming plasma Ascension waves. The Schumann Resonance reached 100 hertz this week! Continue reading