3 Crystals for These Transformative Times

TourmalineAdrienne Goff – Buckle up, and open your heart! This entire year has felt like a lesson in energetic acceleration and intensity, as our physical bodies are adjusting to progressively higher frequencies of light. And we are just getting started. September brings us two eclipses (one on September 1st and the other on the 16th), the equinox on September 22nd, and the 9-9-9 portal–not to mention that we are in Mercury retrograde for most of the month. Eclipses are always times of big shake-up, reset, and expanded dimensional receptivity.

The fall equinox imprints us with the energetic theme of balance and encourages us to clear and release the old. It is also a time in which the veils are thinner and our psychic senses are heightened. September 9th is a power date that marks a major personal and planetary completion–a time of wrapping up old business and aligning with a brand new cycle.

So if you are waiting for things to calm down, you might be out of luck. We are in the midst of the ascension process, and it looks like the beautiful Universe will continue to move us along by showering us with ever-increasing levels of light.

Welcome to the new normal! Take a deep breath, and feel this truth in your heart: You came here to rock this cosmic opportunity and to be a part of the change–and you are doing better than you might think! You are growing and contributing to the collective in beautiful ways through all of your experiences.

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