How Fluoride Affects Consciousness And The Will To Act

“. . . it is not only that fluoride consumption has adverse health effects and reputedly makes people easier to control (as the Nazi’s believed), but the very spiritual essence of who we are, our consciousness, can be hindered from manifesting in our lives.” J Resnick

WaterFluorideRecent research has brought the controversial practice of water fluoridation back into the spotlight, revealing links between water fluoridation and brain disorders, particularly in regard to its effect on children.

Troublingly, the report found that side-effects do not only come from direct ingestion by children, but also from higher levels of chemicals such as fluoride in expectant mothers’ blood and urine, which was linked to brain disorders and lower IQs in their children. In many cases, the changes triggered can be permanent. This evidence flies right in the face of spurious claims by skeptics that ingestion of fluoride in low concentrations has no harmful effects on our health.

Is it any wonder then that only seven countries in the world actually fluoridate more than 50 percent of their water supply? Although it is often portrayed in America as if every country does it, this is very far from the truth. In fact, the United States accounts for more than 50 percent of all the fluoridated water drinkers in the world, while the vast majority of European countries for example avoid this practice altogether. Continue reading

8 Examples Of The Science Of Nature’s Wisdom


flower_primrosesIn Aldous Huxley’s enduring master piece Brave New World, you find that world controllers have created an ‘ideal’ society. They cleverly use genetic engineering, brainwashing, recreational drugs and sex to keep all it members happy consumers. Many people draw comparisons as to where our society presently is and where it is heading in our future. If you are like many of the thousands of people ‘waking up’ around the world then you too will draw this worrying comparison.

Having recently re-read this book, one small part stuck out to me. Human engineers where discussing their subject’s [humans] brainwashing, when this was said:

 Primroses and landscapes…have one grave defect; they are gratuitous. A love of nature keeps no factories busy. It was decided to abolish the love of nature, at any rate among the lower classes… We condition the masses to hate the country…

This is exactly what is happening in one way or another. As a species we have become disconnected from the earth, from nature and our human roots. We no longer use nature’s wisdom. Children would rather play on a computer than run around amongst the trees. People will happily identify hundreds of corporate logos and celebrities but fail to identify a common tree or plant species. Many do not possess the clothing and footwear to take a muddy or wet walk and others do not possess the practical skills or fitness levels to make this possible. To make matters worse, we have almost entirely lost our connection with each other, our sense of community is nearly non-existent and this is all replaced by a superficial, materialistic and egotistical world that is hell bent on its own destruction.

How does the outdoors environment make you feel?

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The Collective Heartbeat Of Humanity

Adama through Kata – The shift you as a planet are walking through is huge, biggest ever. Biggest that humans were allowed to witness in this physical embodiment. The whole planet will find its place in a higher level of dimensional reality. All that happens to your beloved Earth, happens to the entire Universe. Huge words yes indeed but it still is the truth and it was hidden for thousands of years from your human eyes aka consciousness.

Now the rising vibration in and around us entitles you to perceive a greater spectrum of reality. You will be surprised how every earthly happening has a major significance on the course of your human history. Yes indeed it is important. It is the peak of this entire transformation period. The period that humanity has been preparing to be ready. And here you are, in your human embodiment, you are the chosen ones to witness it all. Continue reading

Pineal Gland & The Third Eye [Video]

MrNinjaMittens | November 5 2010 | Thanks, Annette

The Pineal gland is located within the vertebrate brain between the left and right hemispheres. It is ruffly the size of a grain of rice and is fully grown at 2 years of age. The gland is stimulated by darkness and hindered by light.

It produces melatonin, melatonin is a hormone which influences your biological clock.
It is said that the Pineal gland is the “The Crown Chakra” or “The Third Eye” and that it is a Bio-luminescent gland that can improve learning capabilities, increase memory, enhance intuition, wisdom and creativity and may be the link to enhancing psychic abilities. A healthy lifestyle of exercise, outdoor activities, eating natural unprocessed foods, and reducing your sugar intake will be the first steps to activating your Pineal gland.

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The Pineal & Crystal Bio Stargate

Earth Keeper Newsletter | May 18 2012

Mechanics of Law of Belief

DescartesGreetings Masters !! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in Unconditional Love.

In this gathering, we discuss a fine aspect of Conscious Creation, the Law and mechanics of manifestation. We speak of the Bio-Crystal Stargate computer: the Pineal.

The Pineal

Through the ages it has been known that the Pineal is the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm. It can be said then to be the gateway between the ego personality, brain and the Divine Mind. It has been termed by metaphysicians such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce as being the ‘Seat of the Soul’. In a very real manner of speaking, the Pineal Gland is a ‘Bio-Stargate’. It is a bridge from physical to non-physical, from duality to higher dimension. It is extremely complex, and is the screen from 3d brain to Infinite Mind.

The pineal is the agent of advancing knowing into reality manifestation. The pineal works with the pituitary to open the bridge, the gateway between the physical and nonphysical, between brain and mind. Whatever knowledge you allow yourself to believe can only become a reality by the pineal first opening the gate to the Divine. It does this by interpreting the frequency of thought into a thermal bio chemical electrical current throughout your body and opening to mind.

Your human brain transforms the thoughts you generate into thousands of bio-chemicals every second. Not every thought of the ordinary brain reaches into Higher Mind, as we have explained.

Crystalline Pineal Filter

The issue most humans have in not changing their beliefs is blind acceptance of mental 3d programming. You can think positive thoughts, think positive change, but if in your deeper mind you doubt they will occur, then they will not.

Every emotion you feel, very moment of joy and fear produces a chemical enzyme in your body. Some become springboards, others as obstructions. Each passes to the Pineal. The Pineal is a finely tuned calcitic crystal that is piezoelectric, somewhat in the manner of quartz. It is a frequency screen, a filter of sorts.

According to the frequency of a thought or emotion, the Pineal is the guardian of what goes into the creative portal of Divine Mind. This is in a very functional manner, a protection mechansim that prevents some negative thoughts from being manifested. But it also prevents any thought that has a negative field from entering. Negative thoughts including fear, doubt and the like. But understand it works both ways. Accordinglky any intent that you strongly or subtly doubt, cannot enter into beleif programming. Do you understand?

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