December 2016 Energy Report

collectiveJennifer Hoffman – Every year comes to an end and this is the final month of 2016, a year of clearing and fransformation that has been challenging but we’re at the end point. I started to write this report several times and could not finish it for reasons that had to do with the collective intention to stand up for its truth and we have seen a lot of that in recent days. If you’re familiar with the Standing Rock protest against the Dakota Access pipeline route through their water source it was denied today, after heavy protest and the presence of 2,000 US veterans. This is a significant moment for us and it changes the landscape for 2017. We have been challenged to stand up for what we believe in and for what benefits the collective. Standing up can lead to a stand off or a stand down but one thing we have learned with this situation is that the power rests with us, the people, and in a 5D paradigm power does not corrupt, it unites.

We’re still resonating with the energy from the November 29 new moon that exactly aspected, by square, Neptune, the planet which rules oil and gas, as well as illusion and deception. At the same time we’re under heavy pressure from Mars which is highly active in the next two weeks and aspects, in powerful and positive ways, all of the big planets, especially Pluto (transformation), Uranus (revolution), Eris (warrior for justice), Saturn (logic, discipline, lessons, and reality), and Jupiter (expansion, higher thought) to take a stand for what we believe in and want, now and going forward.

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