Reconciling Ancestral Memories

Energetic Synthesis May 12 2013

EarthDear Ascending Family, Through a variety of unique cosmological events partnered with new collective consciousness templates on the Earth, many humans are being shaken, awakened and penetrated to the core with new self-realizations or horrifying discoveries of the truth. Intrinsic to spiritual awakening is to clearly see the false identity and false beliefs that have operated which previously led us into misaligned thinking and therefore a misaligned pathway. Some of us have operated these masks of identities and beliefs for many, many lifetimes which embed energy blockages even more deeply into one’s cellular memory. We can mistake these identity masks as our own body because we, along with our ancestors, have lived with them for so long.

However, the more we are masked from the inner spiritual light, the more confused, fearful and chaotic our thought processes. Therefore, the more disconnected we are from our spirit the more distorted our external behaviors and reactions become. These distorted behaviors create energy blockages and they are inherited generationally. Additionally, when we are disconnected we are like an “actor” in a play following a script someone else has written. As an actor we are not living truthfully, therefore, our identity mask becomes the “deceiver” of its own projected images. We may have manipulated these “masked” images that we show others from a variety of our own insecurities and self-deceptions. When we reach a point where we remove blockages and no longer require wearing a mask, we can see clearly when others are wearing them. This is acutely obvious in the globalscape now as many masked identities have an agenda to carry out.

When we realize that the consequences of our actions today were the result of inauthentic decisions made in the past (when we were projecting a mask of deception), that moment of realization can be painful. Every little event is connecting throughout the golden threads woven in the fabric of all time for us to see. Some of us may play out these memories or events consciously or unconsciously. At this time we are being required to Reconcile Ancestral Memories in some kind of format as it surfaces to present us with a task or conflict. Many of us are reconciling the past or future timelines, as well as issues presented at the individual self, the ancestral self, the karmic self, or the collective planetary self and so forth. We may have the “Come to Jesus” moment in our life and be forced to see the pain and harm we have caused (or our ancestors caused) to ourselves and others. We may have allowed another person or thing that we love to have authority in our life direction and recently learned they have misrepresented themselves. No matter how this deception has occurred, if we have based our life on a foundation of self-deception (masking identities) that deception is crumbling away beneath our feet, and this can feel scary. Administering compassion and offering kind understanding to support those in this situation is greatly needed today.

Removing the Masks of Deception

This is a time when the life foundation is crumbling away if it is not really solid and aligned to our core. This crumbling is positive in that it may also crumble internal energy blocks. However, this crumbling can look like the deterioration (the decay) of our reality and may be exceedingly disruptive, chaotic and painful when focused externally. In the macrocosm many people are struggling to understand what is happening to them and how to make sense of their world perception. Has the whole world gone crazy? The conflict lies in removing the mask of deception, removing its blockages and finding the authentic truth for each being. This intense conflict brings about the deception to the surface so we can stop perpetuating and feeding the lie. This process brings us to live in our own authentic truth by reconciling our conflicts through finding inner peace. As we find greater inner peace we are capable to clear and release energy blockages and ancestral memories.

Dead Light Miasma

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Q&A + The Final Act of the Ankle-Biters

Ascension Help | January 18th 2013

darksideIn this article I am going to answer several questions I received based on my last article, Shifting Into 2013 so that the answers aren’t just to one person, or buried down in the comments section.  The second half of this piece will focus on free will and how the final act of the ankle-biter etheric drama on Earth will (probably) play out.

Questions & Answers

Q: “Could you please tell me about your personal experiences with these creatures and their energy sucking devices? Have you seen them many times? Did you see their “energy grid”?

A: I have been aware of these beings for pretty much my whole life, because they target people who pose a threat to their continued control over the planet.  When I was a child I just told them to go away, and they would pull back, but they still invaded my dreams quite often.  See this post on dream shielding for more about that.

The first time I saw their “dark grid” was in 1997 when I had gone out of body through a lucid dream.  I was flying off the planet and saw the outer layer of the grid as I flew past it. I turned back to take a closer look and was very quickly intercepted by ankle-biters posing as guides.  See this post for more.

I have been studying their grid structures ever since then, waiting for the time when there was enough light coming into the planet to be able to go to work on dismantling it. The first part of that operation took place in May 2012.  Ever since then, the Forces of Divine Light have been working to clean out each subsequent layer of the ankle-biter controlled “etheric airspace” around the planet.  I tune into it almost every night and do what I can to clear away ankle biter structures and strengthen the incoming Light.

As for “how” I do it, it’s a matter of focused intent.  I am probably predisposed to be able to perceive these aspects of the etheric environment since I incarnated as part of the clean-up crew. Other people can see/sense it as well, but it does take practice and a good-functioning pineal gland to do so.  I also think that if a person doesn’t have a desire / mission to be part of the clean-up crew, they probably won’t be inspired to tune into these things.

Q: How do you know, that many layers around Earth are “liberated” now and there are no archons and etc. as you wrote it?

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Beings of Frequency Documentary [Video]

Lana Flittner November 27 2012

This spectacular documentary uncovers for the very first time, the actual mechanisms by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer. And, how every single one of us is reacting to the biggest change in environment this planet has ever seen.

Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, which was filled with a natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it did so surrounded by this frequency. and Inevitably, it began tuning in.

By the time mankind arrived on earth an incredible relationship had been struck; a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend.

Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronizes our circadian rhythms, and it aids our immune system and improves our sense of wellbeing.

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The Heart Brain-Complex

Energetic Synthesis | November 11 2012

DimensionDear Ascending Family, The heart-brain complex is an intelligence structure that best can be defined as the original and organic design and function of the collective human soul/oversoul matrix and its cellular memory interface with the planetary grid consciousness network. As a part of the mechanics of the energy structure of the many fields of consciousness, (the morphogenetic field layers that control time and space), the heart-brain complex is a consciousness structure and architecture that has been largely dormant within the planetary body fields. It has remained dormant primarily from the genetic manipulation of the negative alien agenda and their inorganic enslavement architecture on the planet. This heart-brain complex is a part of the planetary nervous system (grid network) and the nerve cell(s) of the planetary body that directly message into and through the individual human body.

The individual human body is a tone resonator for the variation of frequencies that are transmitted by the planetary body as their nerve cell receivers pick up their chosen resonant tone frequencies. In this way all human bodies are frequency tone resonators. These tonal frequencies resonate at the level we allow them to penetrate our auric energy field and consciousness, as this is a level of personal choice. However, because of the alien deception, most humans have not been informed nor empowered to determine how to choose higher frequencies through their chosen thought-forms. Also many frequency strings of our core soul bodies have been damaged or gone missing without our direct consent or knowledge. Mind control implants from the astral plane and the logos plane have been effective ways to keep many of the masses looping in artificial fear programs. As these heart and brain structures are changing now on the planet, it brings a tremendous weight of collective mind control programs and their architecture to the surface view. However, these changes are ultimately very positive for the one road to freedom.

Demolition of Damaged Structures

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The Artifical Moon of Saturn & The Lunar Effect

Earth Keeper Newsletter | July 1 2012

CassiniGreetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet each of you warmly, knowingly, in a vector of unconditional love !

Dear Ones, the changes taking place on the Earth, are prompted by changes taking place in the Cosmos. Every celestial body, every, planet star and moon in your Galaxy are in harmonic symphony, in support of what is happening in 2012 on your planet Earth. We have told you before that your religions have excluded the science, and that science has omitted the spiritual. Now in 2012, the two are joining full circle. Your scientists are beginning to recognize that there is intelligent design in the Cosmos, and your religious leaders are beginning to acknowledge that ‘you are not alone’.

There are visionary academics and writers such as Graham Hancock, David Childress, Richard Hoagland and Semir Osmanagich who are leading the way in revealing more to you about humanity’s true origins and history. And we tell you removing the shadow is tantamount to clarity and wisdom.

The Cosmos is shifting, physics are expanding. You are discovering that the Laws of Physics, which you thought were written in stone, are shifting and expanding. That expansion is multidimensionality. And moreover Masters, you are discovering that thought, divine thought is the creator of all that is…and that you are a part of that. Even the most die-hard main stream scientific think-tanks are being invaded by a younger generation of more dilatant unsuppressed researchers, who are aware that there is intelligence in the Cosmos, in the changing order of physics. Not just in the realization that you are not alone, but in the knowledge that the creation around you could not be random. There is a guiding force in physics, an aware intelligence. We have told you before that certain of what you term ‘Angels’ are the holders of the ‘Laws of Physics’, and we tell you now, that everything in the Cosmos is aware. The planets, stars, moons and even that you term the void, is alive, conscious, aware and in support of humanity.

Moons, Planets & the Living Cosmos

Lunar effects on planets, solar systems and indeed Galaxies are extremely important and vastly influential. You academics are becoming more and more aware of the myriad intelligence & energetics of planetary, stellar & indeed lunar gravities.

Your own planet has had more than one moon, in its history. We tell you a truth that many have already speculated…and that is that your present moon was ‘put in place’ billenia after the Earth’s formation. At that time, it was much closer to the planet, and the backward drift it is currently orbiting within, is much further than its original placement.

Does it not seem very interesting & compelling that your present moon is capable of perfectly concealing your Sun during a total eclipse? Do you understand then, that if the moon were not on the precise orbit it is in, not located on the specific distance between earth and sun that this would not occur? Perhaps you will consider that an intricate engineering design & plan is in place!

We also share with you that one of the moons in your solar system is artificial, and it is a stabilizing auto regulated computer. Evidence of its unusual properties and design has been captured in the photos of the Cassini mission. These photos are raising serious speculation among your scientists.

Saturn & Iapetus

One of the moons of Saturn, is a technically conceived construct, and was put in place for specific purpose. Its gravity and orbit influence Saturn. And we tell you that your Earth is very influenced by the energy of Saturn, and thus by the effect of Iapetus on the Saturnian system.

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