House Approves Bill That Dismantles Parts of Obamacare, Defunds Planned Parenthood

Obamacare Bill when printed out is 7′ tall

Kate Scanlon – The House approved a budget reconciliation bill Friday that would repeal portions of Obamacare and cut federal funds to Planned Parenthood for one year.

The legislation, called the Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act, was passed in a 240-189 vote.

One Democrat, Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota, voted in favor of the bill, and seven Republicans voted against it.

Some felt that dismantling Obamacare in pieces wasn’t sufficient given that Republicans promised to completely repeal Obamacare.

The Daily Signal reported Thursday that Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said in a joint statement that the House reconciliation bill that repeals only parts of Obamacare “simply isn’t good enough.”

Other Republicans argued that the legislation was a step in the right direction, and should move forward.

Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., chairman of the House Budget Committee, said in a statement the bill “repeals the most coercive components of Obamacare—eliminating onerous taxes, the individual and employer mandates, an Obamacare slush fund, and lifting unnecessary burdens on employers and employees.”

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Eugenics – Toxic Meat Glue Of The Elite Agenda

BillGates_VaccinesOK. Let’s give ‘em a break…for a minute. Suppose the elitist PTBs are real people thinking like we do. I know, a stretch, but let’s try.  So how can they perpetrate such horrors on humanity? How could such madness be justified in the minds of men?

Actually, it’s Easy. To them it’s the truth.

A fabricated bastardization and reversal of any real Truth, but in their minds they’ve decided this arrogant illuminist takeover makes sense to them. Especially with their fat cheeks being firmly ensconced in the seats of power.

Oh, the vestiges of their human conscience gives them a nudge in some cases, but it’s been shut down almost completely for most of them. It has to be. You can’t have empathy and wreak such havoc on nature and humanity.

If you’ve ever known or observed a pathological liar, this cauterized mindset is their way of life. Politicians do it without the slightest compunction. To them it’s part of the job description for ruling the unwashed masses. How is it justified logically? The old “necessary evil” ruse. And the even more amazing thing is they smugly revel in this ugliness.

Eugenics Justifies All

As eugenics, called the “self-direction of human evolution” grew out of its inception in the 1800’s, it was considered the the harmonious result of all branches of science. The US was the first to implement eugenics programs as early as 1908 and it gained a lot of popularity and traction. What stopped it in its tracks, at least in public opinion, was the Nazi implementation of eugenics during WW2 to the horror of all.

Now look how this eugenics campaign has been revived and is currently perpetrated. With innocuous sounding names like Planned Parenthood to the UN’s dastardly Agenda 21, the mass hive mind sees these measures as “progress” while knowing little to nothing about the extensive anti-human and anti-freedom measures being foisted upon them.

And it’s not just genetic culling, it’s mass population reduction.

An elitist think tank called The Club of Rome set the latest stage for this last push to demonize humanity with the contrived invention of militant, invasive environmentalism. This appeared around the same time as the widely sensationalized “population bomb” concept. While real ecology and conservationism make common sense, this environmental agenda was created with the specific intention to foist massive controls over human activities. That we’re now at the incredulous point of having to pay a literal carbon tax is a total giveaway of their fraudulent intentions.

Yet few catch on.

And again, like the lie of human caused global warming, we should feel guilty for being alive, to such an extent that even our breath is supposedly killing the planet.

Insane. Yet they keep pushing their agenda regardless of real scientific data to the contrary.

The Cauterized Mind of Dystopians

While humanity doesn’t share the bestial mindset of the elites and their occult driven agenda, these pounding programs wear on people. Over time the continued onslaught of these nonsensical anti-truths start to wear a groove in the mass mind.

The psycho-trauma tool of choice? Cognitive dissonance.

Resistance subsides as seemingly contrary understandings–in this case, “I’m a sovereign human being who deserves life and freedom” vs. “I’m a parasitic organism killing my host planet and need to be eradicated”.  Screwy but that’s what it boils down to.

And what gets synthesized in the mind to reconcile the two? “I guess they know what they’re doing. Gee, we are bad and something needs to be done.” It doesn’t really make sense so the overload causes a shutdown and back to the TV and ball game they go.

Once again, the intended solution being foisted on society gains traction.

Yes, zombies is the perfect analogy. Spiritually and consciously dead walking amongst us…so much so they will soon turn you in for daring to challenge the status quo. If not attack you.

Why? That is now tantamount to terrorism, the ultimate behavioral catch-all.

Game. Set. Match…

Or So They Think

Never give in mentally or spiritually to this onslaught. That’s why turning off all forms of mainstream media is so important. That’s why immersion in positive influences, nature and loving people to counter these types of realities is so important.

Anyone in their right mind knows this kind of plan cannot succeed in the long run. We happen to be at a time in history where these negative, barbaric influences are peaking with the acceleration of hijacked technologies.

This too shall pass. But we should be vigilant and prepare as best we can, without fear. It’s a time to grow in consciousness and communication with each other so we can share our combined knowledge, insights and loving support.

Therein is life, one day at a time. As it always is.

Much love, Zen

SF Source Zen Gardner  June 2012