Find the Play in Your Life

Holistic HealthDr. Michelle Kmiec – From time to time we allow ourselves to be silly with some of our friends. And isn’t it a wonderful release? Especially when the silliness is accompanied by those uncontrollable belly laughs that bring tears to our eyes!

Kids are wonderful to observe because how often do you see them playing outside, skipping along the sidewalk, or hanging from the monkey bars on the playground and thought to yourself, “boy are they having fun!”  Only to follow up that thought with, ‘if only I was young again.”

Why is it that an invisible playfulness line gets drawn at a certain age? Who set the rules on what you can and cannot do as you get older? And who decided that play is some kind of forbidden fruit for adults? Continue reading

The Benefits of Free-Range Play for Children

free range playPaul Lenda – When I was a kid, I was the definition of a free-range child. I was climbing trees since I was around seven, playing in the dirt, making debris dams while it was raining, and a whole number of other outdoor activities I or my friends came up with on our own. There were no parents, no artificially-orchestrated play dates with rules of what you could or couldn’t do, and no getting sucked into the digital matrix of screens and anything else emitting a discordant electromagnetic field.

Today, I’m 33 and have no allergies and no asthma. I feel fulfilled with the nostalgic remembrance of countless childhood experiences that helped form the foundation for the free-spirited and strong-willed adult I am today. Free-range play with other children helped me develop social intelligence and emotional intelligence. It helped me learn how to compromise, problem solve, make decisions for myself, and many other essential life skills. Continue reading

Tips To Help Unwind Busy Monkey Mind

conjunctionShelley M. White – Most people believe relaxing activities are only done in the evenings, and should be grouped in categories, scheduled, or put in an evening “routine,” as if it’s simply another item to check off your “to-do” list.

The good news? You don’t have to wait until the evening to unwind and relax. In fact, you shouldn’t. You deserve to feel grounded in your center and a sense of peace all day, not for just a few hours at the end of your day. You shouldn’t have to, and you absolutely do not have to and mustn’t do so.

It is time to do away with the philosophy that it is only safe to entertain the idea of relaxation at the very end of your day, after spending the large majority of your waking hours walking through the day scattered, stressed, anxious, drained, ungrounded and thrown about. You deserve more, and there’s a way to get there. There is a way to unwind that busy, chaotic monkey mind which owns most of your waking hours and is not aligned with your true nature, or the place deep within where stillness and serenity reside.  Continue reading

The Power of Play

playThe Angels – Play! Allow yourself to schedule time without serious purpose or plan so your spirit can remember what it is like to be free! We know you are busy. We know you have many things you want to accomplish this lifetime. We know you’re responsible… yet, your life is so much more easily accomplished when you give yourself time to relax and seek joy in the present moment.

In play you activate new patterns in your brain. You get “unstuck” from habitual patterns in thinking, which in turn allows you to more easily receive guidance. You laugh more easily. Your body chemistry shifts towards greater health and well being. You become more creative. You become more compassionate towards yourself and others. Play has great value. Continue reading

Angel Messages For November 2 – 8, 2015 ~ Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

Doreen Virtue – This week’s energy is much lighter and less intense. It’s a good week to take it easy, and reflect on your desires and dreams. Take the time to rest, including playing soft gentle background music to quiet your mind so that you can hear your own thoughts.


You are in a state of cocooning like a chrysalis preparing to become a butterfly. It’s a time of introspection, dreaming, and planning for your next chapter.

You have the ability to fully reclaim your divine power this week, by releasing fears about being powerful. Your true power is the only true power: Love.

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