Release the Polarity of Rising and Falling

Preparing For First Contact – Shelia’s Story

gaiaSuzanne Lie, Ph.D – We see that many of the humans, on all areas of your planet, are beginning to awaken and/or are fully awake to the NOW of what is occurring within and on your ever-changing planet.

We say “in and on” because, just as you humans are transmuting into your Light-body SELF from within the Kundalini Force in the core of your Earth bodies, Gaia is transmuting into Her fifth dimensional, Light-body planet via Her Core and Central Crystals in the center of Her planetary body.

Do you see how YOU are the planet and GAIA is you? It was when we Pleiadians came into that realization, many eons ago, that our society began our shift into our fifth dimensional expressions. As a society, we had mastered space travel, but our collective consciousness had not yet expanded into the fifth dimension.

It was once we found our safe home in the Pleiadian Cluster that we turned inward to find our highest expressions of SELF and to reflect that inner glow of SELF out into our daily life. We realize that Earth has not felt “safe” for many ages. In fact, not since the fall of Atlantis.

However, many of you who experienced the dream of Earth that was first grounded into the ancient land known as Lemuria, have taken incarnations in this NOW to assist with the completion of the ongoing cycle of “rise to peak society,” then “fall into destruction of a civilization,” then “reconstruction from the destruction” to be followed by another cycle of “rising into peak society.”

We Pleiadians finally, after also having many incarnations on dear Gaia’s Earth, found within our new world in the Pleiades how to release the polarity of “rising” and “falling” to live within the “in between” of “Unity with ALL Life.”

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