Use the Dark to Shine the Light

lightJennifer Hoffman – This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message:  The aspects of energy that you can align with and integrate are expanding rapidly and as your awareness grows, you see and know many different kinds of energy. This can make you feel bewildered and confused, as you may expect to see only light or higher vibrations and outcomes and yet you are even more aware of what you call the darkness, fear, evil, and cruelty. Why do you  not only see the light and feel the highest vibrations? Because you need to see both light and dark, as the darkness is what you need to know to raise the light and it is your guide for the amount of light you can shine in the world.

With every energetic expansion awareness expands perception in all directions, so where you could have seen what was in front of you, you are now aware of that as well as everything around it. You see and know with greater clarity and fewer limitations. The price of this level of awareness is having greater levels of  non-judgment and discernment. You are not seeing the dark side of the world and humanity to cause you pain, you are seeing it so you can raise the light and know where to shine. Continue reading