Here Cometh The Robodoctor And The Protect And Serve Crowd

policeJoseph P Farrell – Sometimes I have to wonder if all those suspicious deaths of “natural doctors” or “homeopathic” doctors, or whatever one wishes to call them, are being done simply to remove the human component of medicine altogether. And sometimes I have to wonder if our “culture” couldn’t possibly become more inhuman, or rather, anti-human.

A state legislature applauds what to my mind is for all intents and purposes an infanticide bill; another state governor crows about it. The United States isn’t becoming an ugly anti-human place; it already is.

Ugliness is promoted across the board, in the arts, in courtesy and manners, everywhere; life is excoriated, cruelty celebrated and applauded. A Catholic boy shows up to school after Ash Wednesday service, and the teacher wipes off the ashes because they might offend someone. Why not just get rid of the perpetually offending Christians with their ashes and crucifixes by putting them in camps?

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Supreme lunacy: Gov McAuliffe funds national self-destruction march to DC

policeRob Schilling – Virginia Governor, Terry McAuliffe, is providing taxpayer-funded state resources to an organization that vows to unseat President Donald Trump.

The “March to Confront White Supremacy” departed from Charlottesville’s Lee Park on Monday, with a reported 100 participants, which shortly dwindled to about 25. The group’s express purpose, as formerly stated on their (now attenuated) web site, is “removing” the President from office:

We demand that President Trump be removed from office for allying himself with this ideology of hate and we demand an agenda that repairs the damage it’s done to our country and its people.

A Daily Progress story magnified the charge, quoting the confronters as vowing relentless “civil disobedience”: Continue reading

India: corruption scandals reveal a gaping hole in society

“There are two ways to go. One, expose an enormous scandal and say, ‘See, this is what humans do, there is no hope’; or, exposing the same scandal, say, ‘As bad as this is, there are individuals who can invent futures that surpass the greed and the insanity’.”  – The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport

policeJon Rappoport – Honor, honesty, integrity, ethics—words that mean nothing in a universe of corruption. Words that have been co-opted by vague idealists who hide behind them.

No matter what systems and organizations people build, there is always the question of how many honest individuals are in positions of power—and that question is crucial, to say the least.

I can’t count the number of scandals I’ve written about over the past 35 years. Nor can I count the number of times I’ve referred to The Individual as the bedrock of society.

There is an illusion that the future is shaped by collectives, that we live in a planetary collective, but the truth is, individuals are still at the center of things. Failing to focus on, and elevate the importance of, the individual leads to dire consequences.

The failure of education (at home and in schools) to take up issues of individual freedom, power, and responsibility opens the door to unaccountable corruption. There is no way around it. Continue reading

America Destroyed

policePaul Craig Roberts – When I was young, America still existed. No more. Not even the blather from the 4th of July can hide the obvious fact.

The young do not know that they have lost their country, because they are born into a time when the country is lost. To them that is normalcy.

Besides, the young are too busy texting and describing themselves, often intimately, on social media to be aware of the fate that awaits them, lost as they are in their insouciance.

When I was young, the police were the public’s friends. We could count on them to help us, not abuse us. False arrest was rare. Abuse of citizens even rarer. Today both are routine.

Over the years I have written about the transformation of the police from protectors of the public into abusers of the public.

Over these years I have received many letters from former policemen who write that they gave up their profession out of disgust of the corruption and unaccountable brutality, or as a result of fear that they would be forced to participate in the corruption or become a victim of it.

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A Week in the Life of the American Police State

“Those who corrupt the public mind are just as evil as those who steal from the public purse.”—Adlai Stevenson, 23rd Vice President of the United States

policeJohn W. Whitehead – If you’ve been caught up in the circus that is the presidential election, you’ve likely missed the latest news about all the ways in which the government continues to erode our freedoms, undermine our sovereignty, abuse our trust, invade our homes, invade our privacy, destroy our property, hijack our bank accounts, and generally render itself above the law.

Then again, this is all par for the course from a militaristic government that is armed to the teeth, wages war against its own people, imprisons its citizens for profit, marches in lockstep with the corporate elite, and treats human beings as little more than cattle to be branded, bought, sold and butchered.

The following incidents constitute a typical week in the life of the American police state.

Not content with merely spying on our emails and phone calls, the NSA wants to spy on thermostats, refrigerators, and pacemakers.

Reinforcing fears about how easily surveillance technology can be abused by government officials, local police in California are using money acquired through asset forfeiture to buy surveillance equipment that was then used to blackmail city council members.

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