S. D. Wells ~ Canola Is The New Margarine – Throw It All Out

NaturalNews  May 2 2014 (Thanks, WZ)

CanolaOilRemember when margarine was the substitute for butter? Hey, I can’t believe it’s not butter! Wow. Margarine is a molecule away from being plastic, and we wonder why so many old folks in America have Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The plastic fat is clogging their brain veins. No oxygen to the brain means expensive 24/7 nursing care, lots of pharmaceutical medications and hundreds of thousands of dollars for sick care. Do you see where this is leading?

America loves their canola! Who would really eat it if they knew that it was made with hexane vapor — a gasoline constituent? Even organic canola that’s “expeller-pressed” comes from something we’re not even supposed to eat in the first place — rapeseed. Canola is not a plant, or at least not until some mad scientists got a hold of rapeseed and altered it. Yes, I know, this is harsh for most people to address. Their canola oil food bar will be dead to them. Forget all those salads — the potato salad, the chicken salad, the tuna salad and the egg salad. Forget the macaroni salad and the pasta salad, all creamy with chunks of other (GMO) food stuff.
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