The globalist plan to exterminate humanity begins now [Video]

globalistsMike Adams – Far beyond the distractions of political bickering and cultural trends, the big, big picture that’s unfolding across our world right now is a plan to exterminate 90% of the current human population in order to “save” the planet and protect what globalists see as the future of human survival on a cosmic scale.

This plan is under way now due to two very important developments:

#1) The rise of robotic systems that can replace human labor, eliminating the need for a world of impoverished human workers whose only reason for existence — from the point of view of the globalists — was to be exploited for cheap labor and manipulated votes.

If you aren’t yet aware that robots are replacing human labor, you’re way behind the curve. As this Zero Hedge story shows, heavy duty robots are already being introduced that can replace human labor in construction and other similar jobs. Continue reading

How Globalists Plan To Use Technology And Poverty To Enslave The Masses

globalistBrandon Smith – Tyranny is often seen as a sudden and inexplicable development in a society; the product of a singular despot that rockets to power for a limited window of time due to public fear or stupidity. This is one of the great lies of the modern era.

The truth is that for at least the past century almost every historically despised “tyrant” was merely a puppet of a larger managerial cabal, and the construction of each totalitarian state was accomplished slowly and quietly over the course of decades by those some financial elitists. From the Bolsheviks, to Hitler and the Third Reich, to Mao Zedong, to most tin-pot dictators across the Middle East and Africa, there has always been an organized group of money men and think tanks fueling the careers of the worst politicians and military juntas of the epoch.

The rise of a tyrannical system takes extensive time, planning and staging. Human beings do not simply jump right into the arms of a dystopian nightmare regime impulsively at a moment’s notice. We have been told by popular media that this is how it works; that during hard economic or social conditions men with charismatic personalities and evil intentions suddenly rise to the surface and take power by promising a better world in exchange for public fealty. But where did those economic and social crises come from to begin with? Were they a natural consequence of the era, or were they deliberately engineered? Continue reading

Informed Consent: Why mandatory vaccines are a blatant violation of medical ethics and fundamental human rights

fluMike Adams – Have you ever thought about the violation of human rights and medical ethics found in the vaccine industry’s pushing of mandatory vaccines for everyone? The fact that the industry wants to inject you and your children without disclosing the risks of vaccines — which include permanent, serious damage as well as death — demonstrates just how tyrannical and evil the vaccine industry has become.

Remember: When any institution demands government coerce you into being injected with a risky substance that is extremely well documented to cause brain damage, seizures, permanent paralyzation or death, you are living in what can only be called a “medical police state.” The fact that these vaccine tyrants pursue this medical tyranny under the guise of “public health” only mirrors the way Adolf Hitler committed mass genocide in the name of creating a “master race.”

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