Angel Messages For December 5 – 11, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s an emotional week, and your heart may feel overwhelmed. Fortunately, you have lots of help and support – especially from Heaven.

Your guardian angels are empowering you to take positive and healthy action to deal with emotions, such as talking with God, journaling about your feelings, and charity or volunteer work to help the issues you’re concerned about in the world.

This week’s video includes prayers, meditations, and treatments to bring you strength and peace. Continue reading

Progress Is Ours

Mars in Sagittarius: 2nd August– 27th September 2016


Sarah Varcas – Mars’ return to Sagittarius, where he resided between March and May this year, marks a turning point in the prevalent energies. Deeply entrenched and powerful emotions revealed by his journey back and forth through Scorpio which began in January, have created an unsettling backdrop of late. It’s hard to ignore our deeper fears, consuming anger or obsessive desires when Mars travels through the sign of the Scorpion. We have no choice but to face up to and, if at all possible, address them in full awareness rather than relegating them to the further reaches of our unconscious hoping they’ll go back to sleep a.s.a.p!

His entry into Sagittarius indicates a shift to a lighter and more future-focused energy. One which carries with it inspiration and excitement: a vision of possibility that motivates us to soldier on. If you’ve been wading through emotional treacle lately, wrestling demons that seem tireless in their efforts to maintain the upper hand, Mars’s arrival in Sagittarius comes to free you from old hooks, liberating you to decide for yourself where to go from here.

Joining Saturn in the same sign, Mars highlights the alchemy of positive action. Not just doing something – anything – because it needs to be done, but because the very act of doing so is, in itself, a prayer, an intention, an affirmation of all we hope to contribute to this world. The mundanities of life are not a distraction from the important work of transformation and awakening. They are the very soil out of which it grows, for when we bring our full awareness to any task we are already transformed.

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