Obama, Pope, UN: Con Artists Together

“In March, Mr. Obama submitted a plan to the United Nations detailing how the United States would meet its target [on reducing global warming]. It said it would do so chiefly through enactment of Environmental Protection Agency regulations on emissions from cars, trucks and power plants.” (New York Times, “Global Climate Pact Gains Momentum as China, U.S. and Brazil Detail Plans,” 6/30/15)

obamaJon Rappoport – Translation of the above quote: Obama will bypass Congress and make global warming decisions for the future of America through executive fiat.

Poverty, hunger, climate change. Solving these problems is the announced objective, tying together Obama, the Pope, and the UN.

A moment’s reflection reveals the absurdity of their high-flying rhetoric.

Would you trust these three to reduce poverty in the world, when none of them can point to a single prior success in drastically reducing poverty in any nation in the world?

They want the population of planet Earth to submit to their strategies based on a zero track record.

This would be like the CEO of Ford telling a shareholders’ meeting, “Trust us, we’re going to build a billion little solar spaceships people can fly anywhere, and replace all our cars and trucks with them. Don’t worry, be happy.”

This is how conventional political leaders operate. They have no experience aside from initiating policies from a very high perch—and then they expect compliance from all “the little people.”

It’s insane on the face of it.

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Future Generations Will Never Get Why We Allowed These 5 Crimes to Happen

futureBernie Suarez – Picture yourself still alive in the future. Perhaps after the new world order is fully operational (2030 or beyond). By then perhaps it’s too late. Humanity had become enslaved forever. Imagine a large percentage of humanity is now dead and gone. Billions succumbed to various diseases all linked to toxins and diseases that you now realize could have been easily avoided. The human species, you now realize, became victims of their own corruption, greed, subsequent policies and mind games. The species had become so locked in to their predetermined paradigms that by the time enough people began to think on their own too many of them died off one way or another.

The “war on terror” that never did seem to end turned out to be the perfect tool to rationalize permanent war against everyone, anywhere, everywhere and at anytime. The human species essentially killed itself off. All along while one tiny segment of the planet known as the globalists, financial elite or Illuminati operating under the guise and interest of nation states all danced along to a script they had laid out many years prior. The script told the story of how they were going to kill everyone off to conquer the world. The generations that lived during that time, as a whole ignored the warnings. Truth seekers, revolutionaries, independent journalists and alternative news entities kept warning for years about this out of control top-down corruption and many other ongoing conspiracies, but the overall complacency of the species did not allow for quick enough significant action to take place to stop this agenda. Continue reading

Participating With The Natural Laws Through Service

Pavithra – What does that mean to you? For me it means a few things, so I am attempting to write it as I was asked a few times…. what’s my take on this?

Suffering as a way

First of all, service to the world does not mean giving everything you have and suffering throughout your life by following some teachings blindly for the sake of reaching spiritual enlightenment. This way of doing is not called service, but blindly following or I could call it martyrdom. You are forcing yourself to suffer thinking that this way of life might get you some freebies in higher realms, but in reality you are putting yourself down and doing something that is not supporting your spirit. Martyrdom does not get you anywhere higher, it does however drag you down. Continue reading

Is Pope Positioning Himself to Be Head of Planned One World Religion?

popeMakia Freeman – Pope Francis of the Catholic Church recently came out and released an Encyclical “Laudato Si” (although someone leaked it ahead of time and released it for him) focused on tackling the issues of poverty and environmental damage. As noble as this sounds, however, in doing so the Pope fell into the trap set up by the Club of Rome and other elite think tanks of blaming man for global warming. Rather than sticking to a more general message of caring for the Earth and treating the environment responsibly, the Pope’s message was decidedly political. By entering into politics with the Rockefeller-and-CFR-created United Nations at his back, one has to wonder if the Pope is positioning himself – or being positioned – to be the head of the planned One World Religion which has long been planned as an integral part of the structure of the New World Order (NWO).

Pope Francis to be Chief Priest of the One World Religion?

The push to make the Pope the head of the UN One World Religion has been going on awhile. Last year, for instance, former Israeli President (and therefore by definition war criminal) Shimon Peres held public talks with the Pope and expressed his desire for Pope Francis to lead the world into a One World Religion. According to the Jerusalem Post, Peres’ idea is to create a UN-like organization called the “United Religions”. The website cfnews.org also states:

Peres “proposed the founding of a United Religions organization — modeled after the United Nations — to fight terrorism”. In an interview with the Catholic magazine Famiglia Cristiana, Peres said he wanted to establish an international body representing the world’s major religions, as “an unquestionable moral authority” able to intervene in conflicts, “a UN of religions”.

How interesting that the old abstract bogeyman “terrorism” is even being used to push for a One World Religion. The elite must love that one concept of terrorism given how much mileage they seem to extract from it.

Centralization of Belief

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The Town Where Everybody Got Free Money

“When [Evelyn] Forget looks at politics and culture and the economy now, she sees forces converging to create a more hospitable climate for minimum income experiments on a grander scale than before.” – W Mallett

The motto of Dauphin, Manitoba, a small farming town in the middle of Canada, is “everything you deserve.” What a citizen deserves, and what effects those deserts have, was a question at the heart of a 40-year-old experiment that has lately become a focal point in a debate over social welfare that’s raging from Switzerland to Silicon Valley.

Between 1974 and 1979, the Canadian government tested the idea of a basic income guarantee (BIG) across an entire town, giving people enough money to survive in a way that no other place in North America has before or since. For those four years—until the project was cancelled and its findings packed away—the town’s poorest residents were given monthly checks that supplemented what modest earnings they had and rewarded them for working more. And for that time, it seemed that the effects of poverty began to melt away. Doctor and hospital visits declined, mental health appeared to improve, and more teenagers completed high school.

“Do we have to behave in particular ways to justify compassion and support?” Evelyn Forget, a Canadian social scientist who unearthed ​some of the findings of the Dauphin experiment, asked me rhetorically when I reached her by phone. “Or is simply human dignity enough?”

Critics of basic income guarantees have insisted that giving the poor money would disincentivize them to work, and point to studies that show ​a drop in peoples’ willingness to work under pilot programs. But in Dauphin—thought to be the largest such experiment conducted in North America—the experimenters found that the primary breadwinner in the families who received stipends were in fact not less motivated to work than before. Though there was some reduction in work effort from mothers of young children and teenagers still in high school—mothers wanted to stay at home longer with their newborns and teenagers weren’t under as much pressure to support their families—the reduction was not anywhere close to disastrous, as skeptics had predicted.  Continue reading