Empowerment Begins Inside Your Body

Empowerment Begins Inside Your BodySelacia – How many times have you had a hunch about something, then discounted it and continued on with your choice? Everyone has done this, of course, mainly because conventional norms do not place intuition in its proper place of high regard.

Long ago, though, the ancient peoples valued hunches and other intuitive wisdom. It was a normal part of life to listen to one’s body and to pay attention to subtle messages coming from outside the body, too. Wisdom keepers of diverse traditions tell us of a time when people valued all life, understanding that every living thing could be a vast resource of knowledge. Continue reading

The Heart & Brain Respond To Future Events – Before They Happen

climate changeArjun Walia – Is precognition real? There are many examples suggesting that yes, it is. The remote viewing program conducted by the CIA in conjunction with Stanford University was a good example of that.  After its declassification in 1995, or at least partial declassification, the Department of Defense and those involved revealed an exceptionally high success rate:

To summarize, over the years, the back-and-forth criticism of protocols, refinement of methods, and successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the (remote viewing) phenomenon.

Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise… The development of this capability at SRI has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions. (source)

The kicker? Part of remote viewing involves peering into future events as well as events that happened in the past. Continue reading

The Pre-Knowledge Of Events

mindRuth Ryden – Our Love and thoughts are being sent to you for the purpose of teaching an important precept. Over the centuries humanity is coming to realize that the inner feelings they have of pre-knowledge of events yet to be is not just imagination, but a powerful ability to work with as a tool for living. This is usually termed “precognition” and can occur during a vivid dream that is remembered with intense clarity upon awakening, seen in a sudden waking vision, or even coming as sudden definite knowledge into the mind. Why does this happen, and how?

When you are in existence as a spiritual being, your memories of countless centuries are usually pretty much intact, although you have the ability to put aside what is no longer necessary to work with at any given time.

Your eternal soul being has gained tremendous knowledge through the experiences gained from teachings received in the shining Halls of Knowledge, from observation, and from numerous lifetimes on your planet and on many others. You have full awareness of events that have happened in the past, are happening in the present (or the current period of attention of the soul being), and far into the future. This is the ordinary reality of your being.

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“Science Shows How Our Body Reacts To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before They Happen” – A Walia

PrecognitionManOver the past few decades a significant and noteworthy amount of scientific research has emerged contributing to the notion that human precognition could very well be real, and that we all might possess this potential -amongst various other extended human capacities. Thanks to the research by various scientists presented in this article, extended human capacities are beginning to exit the realm of superstitious thinking, delusion and irrationality and find their way into the world of confirmed phenomena. Claims of precognition or “future telling” have occurred “throughout human history in virtually every culture and period.” (source)

It’s not hard to see why we are so fascinated with these concepts, they are embedded in popular culture today throughout various outlets such as movies -which can sometimes be counter productive given the fact that they are merged with fictional stories and events. Similar to the extraterrestrial phenomenon, the validity of these concepts seems to shrink due to the fact that they are “just movies.” Although the stories that accompany these types of phenomena in movies is probably largely factious, the concepts do hold some validity. Let’s examine the truth behind pre cognition and claims of “future telling.”

The Science

“There seems to be a deep concern that the whole field will be tarnished by studying a phenomenon that is tainted by its association with superstition, spiritualism and magic. Protecting against this possibility sometimes seems more important than encouraging scientific exploration or protecting academic freedom. But this may be changing.”  – Cassandra Vieten, PhD and President/CEO at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (source)

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