The War In Consciousness

“Watch the Earth Changes as they are a direct reflection of what is happening in the deeper consciousness. As the storms become more and more powerful, know that things are definitely changing. Nature too is healing.” – C Tavares

WarOnConsciousnessA multi-dimensional war is taking place right now and has been for centuries, between other beings, for the continued enslavement and entrapment of the human bodies on this planet (along with the entrapment of our very souls and parts of our spirit bodies), and on the other side highly advanced beings who are wanting us to further evolve and develop freely.

Multi-faceted reasons of the “wardens” or enslavers ranging from the harvesting of the humans in the material world (DNA and flesh), to harvesting of our life-force and the consciousness and experiences that we have been creating, even the addiction of power, knowing that they have had control over other Divine Gods/Us, the Forgotten Gods.

Pyramids within Pyramids

This is one of the least talked about and most taboo subjects, by design. Pyramids within pyramids within pyramids of hierarchal power struggles and control, where the beings on top of one “pyramid” are just the lowest point or members of the next……

If GOD’s (Source) only mandate to the Gods was to make known the unknown, ie to expand the overall consciousness of the GOD mind, to be explorers and adventurers in the Void; then these entities that are manipulating and suppressing us are in a way limiting, and slowing the expansion process and natural flow of consciousness, by their manipulation and entrapment over us. Continue reading