You’ll Only Go As Far As You’re Willing To Travel

Inspire Me Today | April 10 2012

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

If today were my last day on earth, the words I would share wouldn’t necessarily be something that hasn’t been said before, only something simply forgotten, more or less, buried, tucked away, locked inside our hearts.

It’s a message that we have all heard: a creed that we’ve all sworn to at some time in our lives. A burning desire that was placed in us a birth. I’m referring to our purpose and the power that it holds once it is embraced and acted upon.

If today were my last day on earth, my only regret in this life would be that for too long I was afraid. Deep down I knew that I was destined for something, but more often than not I found myself hesitant towards what I knew I was called to do. In my mind it was always some fallacy holding me back. It was always something negligible as the scapegoat.

For some time these irrational binds forged a strong hold in my mind, blinding me from the vision I once had for myself. Things started to get foggy, and I started to find myself drifting aimlessly in life… that is, until I determined that I had enough. I was tired of being limited by my fears, other people’s opinions, and my own negative self-talk.

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