Judge Orders State and Justice Departments to Reopen Clinton Email Case

Rusty – A federal judge has ordered the U.S. State and Justice Departments to reopen the case to determine if Hillary Clinton used a private email server to avoid public disclosure laws during her tenure as Secretary of State.

Department of State

“Faced with one of the gravest modern offenses to government openness,” Lamberth penned in his opinion, “(the Obama administration’s) State and Justice departments fell far short” of the legal requirements behind the Freedom of Information Act.

In doing so, U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, an appointee of Ronald Reagan, eviscerated the previous administration’s claims of transparency, something President Obama touted throughout his time in the White House.

The ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, seeking emails related to the attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.

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MAGA Bomber? [Video]

SGTReport – Well they cracked the case in record time and have arrested the MAGABOMBER, the mastermind behind the prop bomb attacks, so the world can breathe a sigh of relief. The globalist criminals who have been targeting the sitting President are all safe now. Liz Crokin joins me to break it all down. Thanks for tuning Patriots!


SF Source SGTreport Oct 2018

The Most Important Election in 222 Years

electionGregory Buls – In 1796, America under George Washington enjoyed peace and prosperity unforeseen by even the most optimistic Founders.  The election of 1796 was arguably the most important in the nation’s history because it represented our first true transfer of power.  Many had urged Washington to be king.  Instead, he willingly gave his power back to the people, who then placed it into the hands of our second president, John Adams.  Though Adams beat Thomas Jefferson by a mere three electoral votes – and won just 71 out of 276 cast – thoughts of monarchy were forgotten, and America was set on a course it maintained for the next 204 years.

The presidential election of 2000 established a new paradigm, where the winner of the contest was considered illegitimate by a large part of the opposition.  Ditto 2004 and 2016.  Though the effort to de-legitimize President Bush was interrupted by 9/11, the new paradigm appears fixed: Democrat winners are as American as apple pie, and Republican winners are cheaters.  The peaceful transfer of power is no longer a given. Continue reading

Tiger Woods demands respect for POTUS

woodsThe Horn editorial team – Professional golfer Tiger Woods refused to attack President Donald Trump during an interview on Sunday. Instead, the golfer urged Americans to respect the office of the president.

Following a recent golf tournament, Woods was questioned by a liberal reporter on his thoughts about the president’s policies regarding illegal immigrants.

Shooting down the attack, Woods responded that no matter who is president, it is important to “respect the office” even if you do not agree.

According to USA Today, Woods was asked how he would respond to people who find his friendly relationship with Trump “interesting.”

“At times, especially 2018, I think a lot of people, especially immigrants are threatened by him and his policy — what do you say to people who might find it interesting that you have a friendly relationship with him?” the reporter asked. Continue reading

The Importance to Liberals of Ignorance and Stupidity


Jeffrey T. Brown“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”  So said Martin Luther King, Jr.  The danger lies, in part, in the fact that these characteristics are both intellectual and moral defects, which render the possessor of these flaws vulnerable to manipulation by those who use the illusion of morality to accomplish utterly immoral ends.

Never in our lifetimes have these two flaws been more proudly demonstrated and celebrated than now, in reaction to the presidency of Donald Trump.  Because of his effect, the incoherent emotionalism of the left, coupled with leftists’ carefully taught inability to think rationally or critically, has been revealed to us on a disturbingly grand scale.  The extent had been largely hidden from us for decades as liberals and progressives felt safe and thus had no need to openly fight for the overthrow that was coming incrementally, without violent conflict.

Now, as their sacred cows are being corralled and butchered by the one man they didn’t think existed, a non-politician who is an apostate from their political gutter faith, leftists have had to reveal themselves, showing us their innermost selves as they angrily fight all that this country has been and may still be under years of liberal garbage and neglect.

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