Sailing Into the Wind

Zen Gardner – Is anyone else having a hard time going through what often appears to be the same old news? Is it just me, or are we seeing a manifestation of a change of attitude and consciousness in lieu of this incessant and increasing barrage of repetitive memes?

An interesting question.

This does seem to happen to myself periodically but it continues to take on an almost sneaky, changing nature. While I get weary of it at times, on the other hand the vibrations of this massive awakening continue to arouse and inspire which brings everything into play with renewed interest and passion.

I have to say, this morphing enigma called change of consciousness continues to confound and amaze me.

truthTracking and Tacking

Sailing life’s seas is an art. Seasoned sailors can use any wind to their advantage, even opposing ones via a technique called tacking, using the oncoming wind to literally create a vacuum that draws the ship forward. This illustration shows how this is possible, which is done using the ship’s fore and aft sails that need to be re-set on every turn into the wind. (See here for a basic explanation.) Continue reading