The New Racial Hatred

NPR attacks Tucker Carlson as "racist"D.F. Mulder –  America has truly reached Soviet levels of mass delusion and absurdity. The official lines on the most important subjects of the day are not just inconsistent with reality, they are the complete inversion of it.

Last week, NPR published an article titled, “Has Tucker Carlson created the most racist show in the history of cable news?” The article is not your everyday propaganda piece; it is almost humorous in its mendacity.

Tucker Carlson diligently avoids anything that can be interpreted as “racist.” He repeatedly denounces racism on his show and repeatedly affirms that he judges individuals as individuals, by their character and its content, and not by their skin color or their membership in any particular demographic group. Continue reading

Nothing is Anybody’s Fault

Clarice Feldman – Some time ago, P.J. O’Rourke was both prescient and witty when he observed:

“Liberals have invented whole college majors — psychology, sociology and women’s studies — to prove that nothing is anybody’s fault.”

This week we have more evidence that nothing is anybody’s fault although the reasons for that may include even more than those P.J. named. Narcissistic celebrities, mendacious media and politicians, and blinkered prosecutors and Soros-funded district attorneys like Milwaukee County’s John Chisolm and San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin are also part of the mix. Stupid voters aren’t off the hook in my estimation either. Continue reading

Shaking Off the Leftist Philosophy

Sheldon Bart – The whole Progressive, Leftist enterprise can be characterized as the astonishing practice of trying to improve things by making them worse. It has always been so.

A hundred years ago, half of Moscow, at one time or another, languished in jail, while the other half feared being arrested. The Muscovites who were still at large were forced to wait in long lines for provisions that remained in short supply. Agriculture had been disrupted by cockeyed regulations.

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What If Cancel Culture Fascists Have a Clinical Condition? [Video]

autismAlexandra Bruce – When I look at a group of Antifa members, I often feel that I’m looking at a group of people with High-functioning autism or Aspberger syndrome.

Then I think about the work of Dr Andrew Wakefield, Robert Kennedy Jr and others who’ve discussed the coincidence in the rise of autism cases with the rise in the number of vaccines administered to children, starting roughly 30 years ago.

Wakefield directed the 2016 film, ‘Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe’, about CDC whistleblower, Dr William Thompson, a senior scientist involved in designing vaccine safety studies, who came forward in 2014, stating that safety research in 2004 was fraudulently manipulated by the CDC. Continue reading

The Division Game and Spiritual Paradox

By a neutral observer neither democrat or republican.

Donald J TrumpJames Gilliland – Sadly, it is constantly brought to my attention by a few in the UFO and spiritual community that I should have an extreme hatred and disdain for Trump. These are leaders in the communities exhibiting behavior opposite of what they profess to stand for.

Many have fallen for social engineering basing their positions on what they have learned from corporate sponsored main stream news. Others have been played like a fiddle using their own unhealed patterns against them. The bad actors of the lame stream media with their faked outrage over made up stories to smear Trump as a racist male thug have no evidence, shoddy at best. Continue reading