Young Democrats are Throwing a Party, and the Grandparents Are Not Invited

PelosiNewt Gingrich – Speaker Nancy Pelosi – and the old guard Democrats at large – are in a very difficult position.

The radical young voters the Democrats have been courting for years have finally elected like-minded radical young representatives – and Pelosi and her leadership team has no control over them.

A big reason why, as I mentioned on Hannity this week, is that there is a wide generational gap between Democratic House leadership and freshmen Democrats, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and others. Continue reading

The Importance to Liberals of Ignorance and Stupidity


Jeffrey T. Brown“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”  So said Martin Luther King, Jr.  The danger lies, in part, in the fact that these characteristics are both intellectual and moral defects, which render the possessor of these flaws vulnerable to manipulation by those who use the illusion of morality to accomplish utterly immoral ends.

Never in our lifetimes have these two flaws been more proudly demonstrated and celebrated than now, in reaction to the presidency of Donald Trump.  Because of his effect, the incoherent emotionalism of the left, coupled with leftists’ carefully taught inability to think rationally or critically, has been revealed to us on a disturbingly grand scale.  The extent had been largely hidden from us for decades as liberals and progressives felt safe and thus had no need to openly fight for the overthrow that was coming incrementally, without violent conflict.

Now, as their sacred cows are being corralled and butchered by the one man they didn’t think existed, a non-politician who is an apostate from their political gutter faith, leftists have had to reveal themselves, showing us their innermost selves as they angrily fight all that this country has been and may still be under years of liberal garbage and neglect.

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‘Uneducated’: The Left’s Favorite Pejorative

uneducatedGavin Wax – It is no secret that leftists are big supporters of a politically correct culture.  They see no issue with constantly stifling the free speech of anyone who disagrees with the narrative of the mainstream.  They regularly clamp down on free speech in the name of protecting the sensibilities of all those who happen to disagree.

This policy has become so widespread on college campuses throughout the nation that it goes beyond merely condemning what people happen to say or feel, to physically placing the potential “victims” of your speech into so-called “safe spaces” in order to shield them from the dark and scary world of differing opinions.

Now we have a situation where students graduate with not only mounting debt and no discernible job skills, but also a juvenile fear of a different worldview being expressed to them.  These are the future leaders of our country, and their situation perfectly illustrates the madness of the modern regressive left. Continue reading