How Trump Derangement Syndrome Could Save America

trump derangement syndromeSteve McCann – In the four years he was President, Donald Trump rebuilt the economy after the policy disasters of the Bush-Obama years, significantly curtailed illegal immigration, confronted and exposed the Chinese Communist Party, and with Operation Warp Speed conquered the China Coronavirus pandemic.  While this list is impressive, his most significant long-term accomplishment may well place him in the pantheon of the American presidents that saved the nation: he fortuitously ripped open the floorboards and exposed the termites stealthily and relentlessly consuming the cultural, societal, and governmental foundation of the country.

During the later stages of the 2016 campaign and the four years of his presidency, Donald Trump’s personal characteristics and the timing of his election caused the ruling elites and the Marxist-inspired American left to become enraged and, thus, to fully expose themselves.  Their collective duplicity, their furtive alliance, and the magnitude of this merger’s covert and disquieting progress in transforming the nation into a one-party socialist oligarchy is now on display for all to see. Continue reading

Liar Liar, Media Pants on Fire

mediaBrian C. Joondeph – Media trust is at an all-time low, a majority of Americans believing that, “Most news organizations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public.” An Axios commissioned  survey found that only 46 percent of Americans trusted traditional media, the lowest number ever recorded in the 20 years of this survey.

Gallup found similar distrust of the media, with only 40 percent of Americans having “a great deal” or even “a fair amount” of confidence that the media reports the news “fully accurately, and fairly”. The low point was a 32 percent level of trust in 2016 when Donald Trump was elected president and he correctly labeled the media as “fake news.”

Twenty years ago, media trust was much higher, in the mid 50 percent range, despite Dan Rather at that time, a major network news anchor, lying about George W Bush’s National Guard service.

In other words, the media is lying to us and we are catching on to the lies. Continue reading