New Eugenics Weapon: FluBlok Insect-Based Vaccine [Video]

Activist Post February 28 2013

The New World Order’s eugenicist program has gone into overdrive with the FDA’s approval of a new vaccine technology that uses insect cells to produce the ingredients needed for their toxic inoculations. Instead of using chicken eggs to grow the necessary viral components used in the vaccinators’ lancet, the pharmacratic dictatorship has pumped massive amounts of taxpayer dollars into this exotic technology to ensure eugenicists reach their goal of population elimination on a global scale.

FluBlok is the latest concoction being created by Protein Science Corporation which was bailed out in 2009 by the United States taxpayers in order to continue the research and development of this new population reduction weapon. Pumping tens of millions of dollars into this eugenics corporation will help to further the advancements and profit margins of the pharmaceutical industries killing machines by creating more customers identified in trials as ‘severe adverse effects’. Clinical trials have shown that this insect-based influenza vaccination has caused cardiac problems, respiratory disorders, and in one case the death of a trial participant.

Additional details and research links can be found below….

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