Tips To Deflect A Psychic Attack

Psychic AttackLaura Day – Are you a victim of psychic attack? Are you having trouble manifesting your goals? Are you physically and emotionally depleted? Do you suddenly look less attractive than you used to? Are you unable to bounce back from a failed relationship or a disappointment? Have you lost faith in yourself? You talents? Are you unable to let go of a person or situation?

If out of the blue and without cause you feel anxious, depressed, angry or otherwise out of sorts you may be under psychic attack. If you begin making mistakes or having situations and relationships in your life go wrong without reason, you may be under psychic attack and there are actions you can take right now to re-claim your life.

In my circles there is a lot of talk about psychic attack without much information about what it is. To understand psychic attack it is important to be aware of the way that people communicate non-locally or at a distance. Most people have experienced knowing that a loved one far away needed them without being informed in a traditional way or calling a loved one at the exact same moment that that person called you. That is an instance of non-local communication.

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9 Methods For Dealing With Psychic Energy Attack In Your Field

energyOpen – There’s a high degree of Psychic Energy Attack going on in the field right now. My strong sense is that it’s coming from (what I call) the ‘raptor consciousness’. It is a dense vibration, a controlling energy, that’s like a consumptive virus. It’s prevalent across the planet, has been so for millions of years, and acts through humanity’s denser vehicles of expression. I’ve described it’s origins in the Divinicus Book. Right now, that energy has been deeply stirred up and its stronghold here greatly challenged by the supportive, realigning energies of benevolence. It’s making life increasingly unstable, but here’s why that’s a good thing and how to deal with it…

It’s what happens when you stir the bed of the stream

The matrix is an interwoven system of frequencies that lowers vibration into dense behaviourisms – ones that specifically target the mind for example and thereby addict people to the consumptive physicality of life. Various energetic layers of the matrix have been stripped away in recent years leaving the base ‘raptor consciousness’ feeling very exposed – that’s my sense of it (some refer to it as the ‘reptilian energy’ acting through that ancient DNA within us).

I know this will sound very esoteric to some, but there are entities working the field in the background, purposefully depleting people so as to enhance their own energy. You hardly know they exist, because they operate on a different frequency than the human body. So you can’t see them necessarily, but they act through your 4D field, implanting thought and emotion to get people living lives that generally don’t serve their higher self. They feed off the energy that is then released. When directly challenged, that consciousness is bound to react and fight back, it’s what happens when you stir the ‘bed of the stream’. So the first advice to offer, is not to worry if you feel this denser energy depleting you, either during the day or in your sleep. It’s going to happen as this energy is confronted, unraveled and stripped away from the planet over time. But you’re strongly advised to counter it in your own field too.

9 Methods for dealing with Psychic Energy Attack

Here is some general advice around dealing with that…

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