Time for Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi & John McCain to Step Down

Tony Elliott – It is time we put an end to career politicians in this country who have long overstayed their usefulness as so called elected officials and have reached the age where they obviously suffer from age-related mental impairment afflictions such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Case and point are McCainMaxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and John McCain in particular. Here we have 3 politicians, who when speaking resemble a Saturday Night Live skit rather than addressing issues as intended.

Maxine Waters simply cannot give one speech or make a single appearance without embarrassing herself with outrageous statements and unrealistic notions. She definitely lives in an alternate reality mentally and can hardly say two words publicly that makes any sense.

Waters has become an embarrassment not only to herself but to the Democrat party and above all, to the people she is supposed to represent. Waters is 78 years old and obviously is suffering from Dementia in the worst way. Time for her to leave office, either by resignation or get booted out, she is incapable of making even the most simple, rational decisions. Continue reading