An Introduction to the QAnon Phenomenon #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Quick Rundown

AmericaNeon Revolt – If you’re here, reading this article, I’m assuming you’re not one of my regular readers.

You’re someone who has come looking for information. You’ve just heard the term “QAnon” – maybe from a friend, from a relative, a post on social media, maybe a billboard on the roadside – heck, by the time you’re reading this, the Mainstream media might even be talking about this mysterious individual only know to as “QAnon.” But regardless of where you first heard the name, you want to know more.

And I wish I could help you. I really do.

But the problem is, if I just come out and say it… it’s probably going to be really hard to believe anything I have to say, even if you are politically aligned with me. Why? Because the information Q presents requires such a dramatic paradigm shift, such a radical realignment of any and all presuppositions you had about the state of the world, requires such a prerequisite level of knowledge to truly understand, that it’s often, and easier to just outright dismiss it and avoid any pesky cognitive dissonance that would otherwise emerge, altogether. Continue reading