The Federal Reserve’s Latest Scam: QE Shell Game | September 24 2012

Ben BernankeNow you see it. Now you don’t. QE III is the Fed’s latest scam. A previous article quoted PIMCO’s Bill Gross. He called it money printing “till the cows come home.”

Doing it won’t resolve festering economic problems. They’re getting worse while Bernanke, the ECB, Bank of England, Bank of Japan, Congress, Obama, and like-minded world leaders fiddle.

After crisis conditions erupted in fall 2007, one scam followed another. Occupy Wall Street is right. “Banks got bailed out. We got sold out.” It hasn’t stopped and won’t until either people rebel or the whole house of cards Greenspan/Bernanke built collapses.

Helicopter Ben operates by Abraham Maslow’s maxim that “if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”

Hammering all day won’t help. He’s buying time. Little else. An eventual day of reckoning looms. The longer it’s delayed, the greater the collapse when it comes.

It’s not if, just when. Bad policy assures bad results. It’s not rocket science. It’s simple truth.

If properly used, QE could have worked and still can if redirected to where it’s needed. It’s not and won’t be. For nearly five years, credit went for speculation, big salaries and bonuses. It hasn’t been for the economy to stimulate growth and create jobs.

Financial warfare rages. America and other societies are affected. Ordinary people are hurt most. Hard times keep getting harder.

Since September 2007, the Fed cut interest rates from 5.25 to .25%. Surviving investment banks became commercial ones to get free money unavailable to ordinary folks.

They scammed trillions. How much is kept secret. It’s at least $9 trillion and may be up to two and half times that much.

Hundreds of billions went to Fannie, Freddie, AIG, the automakers and others. At the same time, millions lost jobs, homes and futures. Who cares about them when only money power and helping corporate favorites matter.

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0% Interest Rates Until The System Dies [Video]

USA Watchdog | September 17 2012

Jeff Berwick of says, “We’re on 0% interest rates . . . and quantitative easing (money printing) until the system dies.”   Berwick is predicting “chaos” when it all comes down.  He doesn’t know how exactly it will all shake out because, “We’ve never had a global system like this die before.”  One way to protect your assets is to buy precious metals, but you better not wait too long to buy them.  Berwick predicts, “It will be impossible to buy gold and silver in the next few years.”  Berwick thinks the dramatic change that is coming, “. . . is going to be the biggest event that has ever happened in human history . . . most people in the U.S. will not see this coming.”  Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Jeff Berwick from the west coast of Mexico.