Black Holes, Quasars & Infinite Big Bangs

black holeTray S Caladan – Here’s what really happens when you enter the vortex of a Black Hole: You do not get crushed into a ‘singularity.’ You warp or pour down and down and down a ‘Super Funnel’ and are fine, unscathed…and you exit a QUASAR on the molecular level! Take 2: Quasar on the molecular level!!

Quasars are relatively small phenomena (not objects) located at the most distant territories of our observable universe. Some think these mega-extreme distances go back to the beginning of Time, and they do, our time. Quasars emit more awesome energy than many galaxies combined!

How can relatively small ‘things’ so FAR away be observed at all? How do Quasars, which most astronomers/physicists/cosmologists view as OBJECTS, broadcast or spew in all directions such incomprehensible amounts of energy, matter, debris and possibly life forms? How can one little point in space produce incredible, ‘impossible’ masses of STUFF, seemingly from NOTHING? How does all this something come from nothing, a direct violation of the Laws of Physics?

black holeHaven’t you figured it out? QUASARS ARE WHITE HOLES

Ah, balance in the universe ~ A yin to a yang; we solve both mysteries of Black Holes and Quasars by connecting them.

First, let’s describe entering a Black Hole or the mechanics, in a sense, of how one could survive the trip and the nature of the journey. How do we WARP and POUR down a cosmic drain that even pulls light? Please remember that these warps, rifts, vortices or Black Holes Einstein predicted years before they were discovered are SPHERES in space. Continue reading