Fukushima May Be A Greater Threat Than Monsanto’s GMOs [Video]

Anthony Gucciardi – For years we’ve discussed the numerous dangers of Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds — from unstoppable genetic contamination to the newly-admitted link between the company’s top selling herbicide and cancer. All in all, the list goes on and on. But GMOs aside, what may be an even greater threat to not only our individual futures, but the future of humanity itself, is what I call the Fukushima nightmare.


The difference comes down to the invisible threat that Fukushima exhibits versus the much more tangible attack presented by GMOs. Continue reading

Chautauqua ~ Fukushima Silence

Before Fukushima

Fukushima silenceSo you walked the path prescribed for you, making certain that you acquired all the requirements for success.  You maintained good grades in school and never caused trouble, for you knew the importance of a good reputation.  You played well with others.

Maybe you even deferred freedom and adventure until after establishing yourself a solid financial foundation.  You played the The Game of Life by the rules; knowing you’d get your chance in the fullness of time.

You navigated the unforeseen obstacles which more often than not turned out to be mid-course corrections for your life, maybe you even found true love and began a family of your own.  Your sacrifices earlier in life paid good rewards and propelled you toward the success you always had your sights on.  Despite the uncertainty of a world in transition; your personal world was on the fast track, and your head full of all the things you wanted to accomplish.  You were fully invested in The Grand Masquerade.

That was four years ago, just before the world changed forever.  Before Fukushima! Continue reading

Protecting Yourself From Harmful Smart Meter Radiation

“Most people aren’t given an option regarding whether they can keep an old meter or have a smart meter installed. Even if a choice is given, it can be costly, and a monthly fee is often associated with having an old meter. . . . Once a resident discovers that their body reacts negatively to the continuous radiation emitted by a smart meter, it is often too late, or very costly, to remove it.” – A Hunt

Over the last decade, millions of homes worldwide have been outfitted with smart meters. Power utility companies continue to force smart meters upon the population under the argument that they allow a more accurate and concise measurement of home energy usage, and give the resident and utility provider more visibility of and control over power consumption. Yet, concerns continue to grow about the potential dangers from the electro-magnetic radiation given off by these devices.

The US Federal Communications Commission and the World Health Organization (WHO) claim that the broadcasting frequencies emitted by smart meters are safe to humans, even though in May of 2011, the WHO officially recognized that wireless radiation such as that emitted by smart meters is possibly carcinogenic. So, according to the WHO, smart meters are safe, except that they may cause cancer – a questionable contradiction.

Hundreds of independent scientific studies have shown that smart meters create a vast and clear health hazard, in addition to emitting carcinogenic radiation; and many people living around smart meters have reported insomnia, rashes, headaches, disorientation, neuropathy, sinus issues, thyroid problems, hyperactivity, and other illnesses after the installation of a smart meter. There have also been many instances of smart meters catching fire and destroying homes. Continue reading