April 2015 Energy Report

spaceJennifer Hoffman – It’s a new month and one that will be a little quieter than March, I can already feel the energy shifting as I’m writing this, with two more days left in the month. We can take a big sigh of relief now, because we got through one of the most powerful power periods that we have had in a long time. But don’t get too comfy because April has an eclipse and it’s time to sift through the ashes of the Phoenix to decide what we’re going to resurrect, what is well beyond its ‘use by’ date, and what has made its own exit out of our lives.

The total lunar eclipse on  April 4th is the partner to the October 8, 2014 eclipse and it activates the Uranus/Pluto square #7 of March 17, 2015. This was the one that corresponded with the 7th chakra or energy center, our divine source connection. That doesn’t mean that all we have to do is stand on the corner and wait for the savior bus to come by and rescue us. It means that we are activating our divinity, the powerful, connected, masterful part of ourselves that we need to access if we are to live in our highest frequencies and through our greatest potential.

We are in an evolutionary ascension pattern that is increasing in intensity as we are able to integrate more energy. The more we open up to energy, the faster it comes in. Sometimes we’re tempted to wait until the flow ends, so we can see what we’re facing, but that doesn’t work. As soon as we open the door to receiving energy, it rushes in and the more we receive and raise our frequencies, the  more we can receive. It can be a little overwhelming, which is why we need to make room for it by clearing out our current energy space. Continue reading