Our Internal World Needs Attention

worldKate Spreckley – The energies of this Full Moon have been building towards a powerful release. Within this time unresolved emotions have been surfacing bringing new insight to the challenges and difficulties we face. Any imbalances within us are becoming more apparent offering the opportunity for us to begin to rectify the balance within. Before we can balance our external world, our internal world needs attention.

In the light of this Full Moon, you can expect sudden realizations to occur that reveal where the imbalances lie and why. You may gain a deeper understanding as to how your unresolved emotions and negative thought patterns impact your view of yourself and your world.

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There is only reflection

DreamGillian MacBeth Louthan – Just like the energy of Gemini clashes with itself like teething twin two year olds, we all feel pushed and pulled in every direction. The dark and the light of the impish twins demands that we make peace with the pushy energy within us before we battle the pushy energy on the outer limits.

Everyone is a little more sensitive, a little grouchy, a lot distracted, mostly bewildered and vague.  We seek council of our own light and soul but all we see is fog. Our moods and thoughts change like spring weather. We do not feel like we fit in our skin, or life. We look at those we love and wonder what happened?

In this place of many fissured mirrors, there is no good or bad, nor right or wrong – there is only reflection and a need to understand and embrace that reflection. The fork in the upcoming road leads humanity down a bumpy path.  A place where cell phones and compasses no longer work, and the landscape shifts and pulses hiding its true colors.  The teachings of mercury and Gemini are very animated like 1st graders after Kool-Aid and cupcakes. Continue reading