April 2023 Energy Report

April 2023 Energy ReportJennifer Hoffman – Well March is over and that is a relief as we head into April, one of my favorite months of the year. Partly because it’s my birthday month, and partly because it’s when spring goes into full growth mode and this is my favorite season.

We’re surrounded by new growth, everything is blooming, as nature prepares for a new growth cycle. As a gardener this is the time of the year when I assess my plants, see what is doing well, what has to be moved or what has not survived the winter. It’s also time for a spring clean of my garden and my house to get rid of what is no longer relevant or necessary. Continue reading

The main theme for August is Re-Evaluation / Reset

Lena Stevens – This is a month providing a huge opportunity for re-evaluating what you are doing in your life, clearing out what doesn’t work, and going for massive change. It is an intense month of emotional ups and downs, confusion about what is right and dealing with hard truths.

resetIt is also a month where we take what we “just did” in July, re-evaluate its place in our lives and then either take it to the next level or decide it is not for us. When you “go for” something new, you have to change your set routines to allow the space (and time) for it to take hold. This usually means that something else that was an energetic place holder has to be shifted and/or released. Sometimes this happens naturally but most of the time it takes a conscious choice and commitment. We will get a lot of opportunities to make new choices and move things around to accommodate the new aspects we wish to anchor.

This month we have times that are truly instinctively centered (good for re-evaluation) and times that are higher emotionally centered, giving us a point of reference for where we want to end up in our reset. It will feel like a yo-yo at times, moving between the two. Much flexibility and non-judgment is required. Continue reading