Delegating to the Divine Assistant

Delegating to the Divine AssistantThe Angels – Imagine you have a personal assistant available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Imagine that this person adores you and wants only the best for you. They coordinate your activities with the rest of the universe and are always aware of what you need to know, do, and say at exactly the perfect time. They are gentle, kind, loving, and persistent in their desire to serve. Imagine that they asked nothing in return from you other than that you ask for their help.

Ask yourself, “Would I be willing to accept this loving service? Would I take advantage of it to free my mind from worry, my time from wasted effort, and give my spirit breathing space? Or would I continue to do everything or most things myself?” Continue reading

Let God breathe

The Angels – All of nature understands the balance between giving and receiving. The heart pumps in and out. You breathe in and out. The waves roll up and back upon the shore. The trees receive sun, water, and soil then give their fruits. The entire universe is designed to allow the breath of God, the love of the Divine to flow freely through it in endless cycles of giving and receiving.


Humanity struggles with the balance there because it is human nature to over think things, rather than allowing yourselves to simply act in a guided and natural manner. If you were able to listen to your hearts, you would give when guided, and receive when it resonates. Neither would be valued more than another because both would be seen as simply a dance and movement of love.

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

receiveThe Angels – Imagine dear friends that God breathes love through the universe at all times. This love is meant to flow to you, within you and through you. If you do not love yourself you block this breath. If you don’t receive gifts of love from another that resonate with you, you block this breath. If you feel loving towards another, even a stranger, and do not share it in some way, you block this breath. And whenever energy is blocked, pain, stagnation, and dis-ease result in life and sometimes even in the body.

You were created to be living incarnations of love. This is what is meant by the phrase that you are created in the “image and likeness of God.” You were not created in the form of a human-looking God… you ARE the human forms created as an image of the loving Presence of God. You were designed to allow love to flow to you, within you and through you. You are here upon the earth to remember this indelible connection with the loving source that creates you with each breath. You were meant to receive, embody, and share love.

In practical terms, this can be practiced quite simply. When someone gives you a genuine compliment, breathe it in. Receive it. Say, “Thank you,” and share the love back. If someone offers to help you and you feel it is genuine and you need the help, don’t refuse it. Say thank you. Bless the giver by being a grateful recipient.

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

receiveTake a deep breath. Everything in your life, right this second is just fine! Take another breath. Again, in this second everything is OK. You are sitting here, connecting with angels, taking time to read something that inspires your heart and soul. You are opening, in this instant to receive our love. Breathe again. Receive.

In truth we are always here for you. We never leave. Our love, as part of God’s love, is constantly here for you. Breathe it in. Receive it. Dear ones, we, the angels, live to love you. We are with you at all times, just waiting to help pour the creator’s love into your lives. It is your choice to ask, your choice to believe, your choice to receive.

So take times throughout your day and breathe in with the intention to receive our love. Breathe deeply knowing you are loved. When you don’t have solutions, God does. When you don’t have resources, God does. When you don’t have strength, God does. In all things dear ones, you are accompanied by all the help, wisdom, love, and guidance that you would ever need. Receive our love. Open to it. Believe in it, for as you do so, you allow us to help you, guide you, and uplift you. Continue reading