Healthy Meal Plan: Really good, or really scary?

meal planYou’ve heard about them and you’ve probably seen advertising about them, but if you’re anything like the rest of the world, you’re also likely a little afraid of them.

Most of us don’t have much time to stop and think about what a Healthy Meal Plan is, but not knowing is kind of worse, isn’t it?

The first thought that comes to mind is of some dark creature who’s going to look over our shoulder for the rest of our lives and shout down anything we look at in the fridge or at a fast food joint!

It’s common to think of meal plans that way today. We know we should eat healthier, but we don’t want to make enormous sacrifices in what we consume. So, enter the Meal Plan and all of our misconceptions about it.

It’s time to dispel some of the myths around what a meal plan is and what a healthy meal plan is. Continue reading