Most Genuine Human Progress Is Made Very Slowly

gradual stepsCatherine Ryan Hyde – There’s a little mountain in a state park near my home. It gains about 1,500 feet in two miles. So, four miles round trip. About two hours out of my life, not counting the drive. Even if you wouldn’t take this hike today you can probably accept that you could work up to it.

I’d estimate that in the past eight years I’ve climbed this one little mountain 40 times. I’ve done lots of other mountains. More dramatic ones. Mt. Katahdin in Maine. The Grand Canyon, rim-to-river and back. Half Dome. The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. But I’m putting the others aside for this illustration. I’m just concentrating on 40 trips up that one 1,500-foot mountain. The cumulative elevation is the equivalent of hiking from sea level to the top of Mount Everest. Twice. Continue reading

How To Overcome Fear And Make Decisions

Jafree Ozwald | April 28 2012

“Nothing matters so much that we should throw ourselves into a state of panic about it. No happening is so important that we should let ourselves be exiled from inner peace and mental calm for its sake.” ~ Paul Brunton


If there’s one thing in life that we are all scared of… it’s fear. Yet is fear really something we need to run away from like a coward and avoid? What would happen if we opened up, embraced fear and gave fear a big cozy hug! It probably needs one by now, don’t you think? The moment you turn inside and embrace whatever you’re afraid of, something magical happens. You find the willingness to make anything happen! When you can move into fear, through fear, and out the other side, then become fearless. Fear becomes as frightening as a shadow, an imaginary obstacle blocking the light of your own radiant being.

The truth is that all fear is illusory. F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real. Your fears in life are simply negative thought about your future wrapped up with contracted body sensations. Fear is a mental fabrication created by emotional needs that haven’t been met. When you know yourself as the source of love itself, then fear doesn’t stand a chance in your life. When fear rises it becomes something you get to deal with. I say “get to” because you see these feelings as opportunities to push you deeper inside, into the source of love. Fear forces you to feel what’s at the innermost core of your being. This is the only place in the Universe where you’ll find true everlasting love, peace, safety, security and the highest spiritual growth you could possibly ask for. Everywhere else you look you’ll find life to be quite illusory and always changing on you.

It’s good to know that fear is the hidden key to one of the greatest mysteries of life. This is the mystery of mastering your existence. Once you’ve discovered how to overcome fear, you know what real trust and faith is. This deeper level of trust is what gives you complete mastery over your life. Embracing fear requires that you step into your power and rediscover that deeper connection to the source of trust, love and sweet gratitude you have inside. Letting in the fear is the one thing we all need to push us deeper inside, past our comfort zones, so we uncover the spiritual being living within us. It’s exactly what we need to transcend the limiting human condition we are all facing.

Once you start embracing fear you’ll know how to make decisions. Making the right decision in life takes being willing to make the wrong decision. It requires that you are truly fearless and willing to be wrong about anything, so that life becomes a massive cosmic learning adventure! If you want to be confident about every decision you make, simply step back and see your life from the grand scope of things. On a soul level, there truly is no such thing as a “wrong” decision. It just might take you a little bit longer to reach your final destination if you choose left instead of right. When you remember that you’re an eternal being on an infinite journey through life, it doesn’t matter. You won’t break a sweat on the small stuff because you’ll realize it’s all small stuff. When all decisions come from this fearless place that knows you’re on an infinite journey, you will ultimately initiate choices that only result in playful positive enjoyable outcomes.

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You’ll Only Go As Far As You’re Willing To Travel

Inspire Me Today | April 10 2012

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

If today were my last day on earth, the words I would share wouldn’t necessarily be something that hasn’t been said before, only something simply forgotten, more or less, buried, tucked away, locked inside our hearts.

It’s a message that we have all heard: a creed that we’ve all sworn to at some time in our lives. A burning desire that was placed in us a birth. I’m referring to our purpose and the power that it holds once it is embraced and acted upon.

If today were my last day on earth, my only regret in this life would be that for too long I was afraid. Deep down I knew that I was destined for something, but more often than not I found myself hesitant towards what I knew I was called to do. In my mind it was always some fallacy holding me back. It was always something negligible as the scapegoat.

For some time these irrational binds forged a strong hold in my mind, blinding me from the vision I once had for myself. Things started to get foggy, and I started to find myself drifting aimlessly in life… that is, until I determined that I had enough. I was tired of being limited by my fears, other people’s opinions, and my own negative self-talk.

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