Wild Accusations Flourish as Top Schools Flunk “Presumption of Innocence” Test

regulationsShawn – In November, the Department of Education under Betsy DeVos outlined new regulations governing the Trump administration’s implementation of Title IX guidelines. In those regulations, public universities are to begin rolling back their Obama-era policies, many of which include taking every wild sexual assault accusation not only seriously, but as the gospel truth. After years of (mostly male) students being punished or expelled – even in the absence of any hard evidence against them – the DeVos regulations were meant to re-introduce the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” into college disciplinary hearings.

The left, which is still disseminating the lie that college campuses are a maelstrom of sexual assault and rape against women, threw an absolute fit upon seeing the new regulations, accusing DeVos of endangering college girls from sea to shining sea. In truth, though, she was doing nothing more than endangering the Democratic Party’s agenda, which is to stuff colleges further and further under the federal government’s purview of power (and to indoctrinate young girls into believing that the Democratic Party is THEIR party, of course). Continue reading

Despite the Media, Trump Pulling Down Wins for We the People

trumpLloyd Marcus – I love the old gospel song “Peace in the Midst of the Storm.”  In the midst of the Deep State’s raging, unprecedented hate-storm against Trump, he remarkably remains at peace, and so should we.

Trump and We the People are winning.  The fake news media sell their lie 24-7 that voters regret voting for Trump and he is mere days from impeachment.  In truth, Trump’s approval has risen to 51%.  Leftists are pulling their hair out in frustration, screaming, how can we stop this freaking outsider amateur politician?  The tide is turning in our favor.

The Deep State’s billions, traps, and lies continue to fail.  Incredibly, Trump repeatedly lands on his feet, confidently pressing forward on making America great again.  It’s a God thing, folks. Continue reading

Seven Suggestions for President-Elect Trump

regulationsCharles Hugh Smith – Though I am just another powerless peon, I’d like to offer seven suggestions to President-Elect Trump and his transition team:

1. Make sure your administration is as diverse as America. No single act will give your enemies more ammo than populating your cabinet and administration with the Usual Suspects: Caucasian elites from Ivy League universities. These privileged “experts” have bankrupted the nation financially, morally and spiritually while enriching themselves and their privileged cronies.

Populate your cabinet and administration with entrepreneurially minded, honest, hard working, forward-looking people who just happen to be African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, female, gay, mixed-race, etc.

Having a cabinet that reflects the diversity of America (or just the diversity of New York City or Los Angeles County, for goodness sakes) will send a powerful message not just to the nation but to the world: America’s diversity is America’s strength.

If you want an example of how to do this, follow in the footsteps of the U.S. military. Yes, it’s imperfect, but for a large-scale voluntary institution, it’s done a lot better than most to promote a diverse spectrum of Americans.

2. Wage total war on regulatory capture and bureaucratic fiefdoms. Everyone knows federal regulations are completely out of control on several fronts. Yes, there is a need for regulations to protect the nation’s air, water and resources from despoliation, its labor force from exploitation, its food supply from unhealthy additives and foreign-sourced toxic products, and so on. These safeguard regulations should be rigorously enforced.

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The Regulation Trap

James Corbett – Every time there’s a problem in the world, there are those who will cry for more government regulations to make it better. Time and again, these interventions make things worse, and yet the same people inevitably cry for the same false solutions. Could it be that there is something fundamentally wrong with the system? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we interrogate government regulations and the criminals who enforce them.

NOTE: This is a visualization of Episode 228 of The Corbett Report podcast, first released on April 23, 2012. This video was recently posted to The Corbett Report Extras YouTube channel as part of a project to make older Corbett Report audio podcasts and interviews available on YouTube. If you are interested in seeing more of this content in the future please Subscribe To The The Corbett Report Extras Channel.

SF Source The Corbett Report  March 2016

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The Land Of Don’t – The Mounting World Of Regulations

“Their message is never empowering the people, but always disempowering. It’s not what you CAN do, it’s what you CAN’T do. Restrict, bind, inhibit, control. That’s their agenda and it’s on us full frontal. The behavior of those around us is testament to this. Once you wake up to it, it’s shocking.” – Z Gardner

ShhhFingersToLips“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Cornelius Tacitus (55 – 117 A.D.)

Everything on our planet is regulated – as in, ruled by law. Whether they be outright laws, local ordinances or any type of restrictions, in not just physical activity but also social rules over interactions. Under the guise of so-called democratic societies which give the impression that we agreed to all of this, or even thought it up for ourselves, we now live seriously restricted lives, with the penalty of fines or incarceration looming over our heads if we don’t obey.

It’s all about control. Carefully manipulated control.

To regulate means: “to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.” When you identify just how un-free we are to live, think and operate as we are naturally intended to, it can be quite a wake up call. Most people can see this to some extent, but the full on reality of this imposed prison on humanity needs to dawn on a heck of a lot more souls. The matrix concept is no joke – it’s an insidious yoke upon the human soul, trapping and sapping our very energy while spellbinding humanity with its giant jumbotron of deliberate misinformation.

The Mounting World of Regulations

Just look at any set of regulatory rules. They’re beyond natural description. The US IRS code alone would fill up over 80,000 legal pages of rules and regulations for the falsely entrapped American, binding them to conditions and stipulations that boggle the mind. Or just try to build a house, or buy property, or start a business and the paper work is beyond surreal between the legal contracts, banking conditions, zoning issues and on and on. Continue reading