What If Heaven Is Here And Now?

 “. . . after my NDE, I feel differently. Even though I know I’ll go on living beyond this plane, and I don’t fear physical death anymore, I’ve lost my desire to be anywhere but the place I am now. Interestingly, I’ve become more grounded and focused on seeing the perfection of life in this moment, rather than focusing on the other realm.”  – A Moorjani”

“In her inspirational memoir, Dying to Be Me, about fighting cancer and crossing the boundary between life and death, Anita Moorjani gives readers an understanding of her miraculous near death experience. Is there really a border between heaven and earth, between time and eternity?” – HealYourLife Editors


Anita Moorjani
Anita Moorjani

During my near-death experience (NDE), it felt as if I were connected to the entire universe and everything contained within it; and it seemed that the cosmos was alive, dynamic, and conscious. I found that every thought, emotion, or action I made while expressing through the physical body had an effect on the Whole. In fact, in that realm of Oneness, it felt as though the whole universe were an extension of me. This realization has, of course, dramatically changed the way I view things. We’re all co-creating this world and our lives within it through our emotions, thoughts, and actions.

Language isn’t an adequate tool for expressing something that can’t be perceived with our five physical senses, so it’s challenging to find the right words to express my understanding of what took place during the experience. However, I’ll do my best to share as clearly as possible what I sense about this world, how we move through it, and how it’s changing for the better.

First, it’s important to understand that my near-death experience wasn’t like any other event I’ve experienced. It didn’t have a clear beginning and end. It was more like a door that once opened, never closes. It initiated ongoing, progressive, deeper understanding and new possibilities that never end. Continue reading

Reincarnation, Karma & Destiny

“Your destiny is what you are destined to experience in this life deriving from your chain of choices & decisions as you navigate your way thru the illusion of linear time.  It is decidedly not a pre-determined outcome impossible to alter or avoid.” ~ Chautauqua


As above – So below.  It is one of the first spiritual maxims many encounter upon awakening from the dream world of consensus reality; and is intended to highlight the connections between the macrocosm and microcosm.  We all have a good enough grasp of the microcosm, that’s us, here in this place where getting a grasp of the macrocosm is what the spiritual journey is all about.

Of course macrocosm is just another descriptive for all we seek to know & understand about this experience called life.  There’s no shortage of other words, labels, & names for it; and because a good many humans still attach emotional value to their beliefs & labels, I’ll just refer to it as the Realm of Permanence, hoping nobody feels offended in any way.  This Realm of Permanence is where we all originate from, and return to; it is Source.

~ Reincarnation ~

Back when time was young, millions of souls agreed to participate in a kind of experiment (which is why earth isn’t homeworld for any of us, we’re all transplants here).  Source wanted to know if we could be stranded here on this primitive, negative, low-density, low-vibration planet with absolutely no memory ~ and still find our way back home to source.  This transmigration of souls would play out over thousands of generations, with each of the participants having multiple and successive lifetime experiences, called incarnations. Continue reading

How To Exit The Reincarnation System

Gregg Prescott, M.S. – We have all heard about the tunnel of light that our soul follows upon leaving the physical body, but what is the true meaning of the life review? Why does a life review almost always involve having us continuously looping back into this 3rd dimensional reality and what can we do to stop these cycles of reincarnation.

Commonalities Within The Near Death Experience

TunnelOfLight1Just about every person who has a near death experience will say that they didn’t want to come back to Earth and that the other side of the veil felt like “home”. So, if everyone feels this content on the other side of the veil, then why do we keep coming back to this hellhole?

As evidenced by thousands of near death experiences, there is a common theme that people experience upon leaving the physical body:

• The initial “death”
• The tunnel and the white light
• The other side of the tunnel
• Meeting “beings” including angels, guides, friends and family
• Your life review
• Getting sent back to earth
• Lessons learned from the other side Continue reading

Humanity Crossing The Karmic Plane

Wake Up World  March 10 2014

Increasingly, as I meet and work with evolving souls in the far flung corners of the world, people are regressing quickly into their past life karma. This is extremely positive, because it’s karma that has brought people back into incarnation and which needs to be processed in order to ascend into the New Paradigm. It’s karma that has created the chaotic and convoluted reality we’re now living in.

So exactly what is karma? How do we activate it and then dissolve out any karmic baggage? How do we find the calmer waters of the Higher Paradigm?

What is Karma?

I’d say the first thing is to establish exactly what karma is, because you’ll hear different interpretations. To me, there is no such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ karma. We don’t intentionally manifest ‘good’ events necessarily because we do ‘good’ deeds. In the sense in which these statements are meant, there is no such thing as ‘good’ and ‘bad’. These are simply egoic judgements of the learning engagement our souls have subscribed to. To the soul, there is no ‘good’ nor ‘bad’ just the opportunity to learn, evolve and grow. This can be achieved in both dense circumstances and light.

To me, karma occurs where the soul becomes identified and therefore attached to the physicality of life. In other words, where the soul identifies with the illusion. This might happen for example where one is in fear during death or a particularly traumatic experience such as an accident.

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Reincarnation: Dr. Ian Stevenson’s Life Work

HumansAreFree  October 31 2013 (Thanks, Richard P.)

The following article can be seen as “Part Three” of my “Reincarnation is Fact” series of articles. While in the first two I have gathered an interesting collection of well documented cases, in the present article you will read a summary of Dr. Ian Stevenson’s life work.

He documented and analyzed from a pure scientific perspective, thousands of cases of children who spontaneously remembered a past life. Enjoy!

Reincarnation is Fact: Documented Cases (Part One);
Reincarnation is Fact: Documented Cases (Part Two);

“Either Dr. Stevenson is making a colossal mistake, or he will be known as the Galileo of the 20th century.” — Dr. Harold Lief in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease

Probably the best known, if not most respected, collection of scientific data that appears to provide scientific proof that reincarnation is real, is the life’s work of Dr. Ian Stevenson. Instead of relying on hypnosis to verify that an individual has had a previous life, he instead chose to collect thousands of cases of children who spontaneously (without hypnosis) remember a past life.

Dr. Ian Stevenson uses this approach because spontaneous past life memories in a child can be investigated using strict scientific protocols. Hypnosis, while useful in researching into past lives, is less reliable from a purely scientific perspective.

In order to collect his data, Dr. Stevenson methodically documents the child’s statements of a previous life. Then he identifies the deceased person the child remembers being, and verifies the facts of the deceased person’s life that match the child’s memory. He even matches birthmarks and birth defects to wounds and scars on the deceased, verified by medical records. His strict methods systematically rule out all possible “normal” explanations for the child’s memories.


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