Breaking The Hypnotic Code Of Reptilians – How To See Them

seeMichelle Walling – Are you ready to chew bubblegum and kick ass? One of the biggest advantages the Reptilians and occult controllers of this planet have over us is the ability to use illusion while being hidden in another dimensional frequency. How effective would their domination and control plan be if the veil was lifted like in the movie “They Live“?

As we continue to merge into higher dimensional frequencies, people have already reported seeing extra dimensional beings and geometric shapes in the form of light. The recent Wave X energies have helped to activate and enhance many people’s psychic abilities linked to clear seeing or clairvoyance. These energies are also helping people to shine a light on the hitchhikers in their own energy fields so that they can cut those energy cords at this time.

Many people are seeking clearings of dark energies, tags, and implants that may be clouding their natural sixth sense capabilities. The new energies on the planet are assisting clearings and creating faster ways of raising vibrational levels and consciousness. There has been a gradual unfolding of disclosure of the truth about who is here and why, although the acceleration of this event has exponentially increased as triggered by the mass awakening occurring on the planet. It has also been triggered by the dark forces due to their realization that we are uncovering the secrets of their tricks.

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