Hillary’s Two-Year Tantrum

hillaryTim Ziegler – For the last two years we have all been forced to endure the temper tantrum thrown by Hillary Clinton over her second Presidential campaign loss just as the spectators in a grocery store aisle watch the young mother attempt to discipline her out-of-control toddler as it thrashes itself screaming across the floor.

The American people defeated Hillary in the Democrat Primary season of 2008. The popular version of that loss is that Obama overwhelmed the party with his charm. The reality is that Democratic Party voters chose his inexperience, melanin level, and vacuous campaign of “Hope and Change” over the known petulance and criminality that they had witnessed during the 1990s by the Clinton administration and didn’t want to give the keys of the republic to the Clintons again. Continue reading

Progressive Privilege

CongressMichael IngmireTom Petty wrote in the song, “The Last DJ,” the following line that reads in part: “As we celebrate mediocrity…”

Petty was writing about the death of real American radio. However, the celebration of mediocrity is inherent in the gaping holes in our current popular and political culture.

Never have so many been lauded for accomplishing so little. Never before have the most selfish felt themselves to be the most entitled, whether it be for money, fame or power. They straddle their own egos in the path of making love to the individual that they feel to be the most deserving, themselves. Continue reading

High Ties and Misdemeanors

smollettClarice Feldman – Nothing offends people more than unequal justice — disparate treatment of protected persons and classes. This week, the FBI and Department of Justice’s hash of equal justice became even clearer and the media’s fat thumb on the scales as well.

If you read nothing else this week, read this essay by Lord Conrad Black in the New York Sun, who links the Special Counsel fiasco and the Jussie Smollett hoax and concludes that we just avoided the “biggest constitutional crisis since the Civil War”:

The authors, accomplices, and dupes of this attempted overthrow of constitutional government are now well along in reciting their misconduct without embarrassment or remorse because — in fired FBI Director James Comey’s formulation — a “higher duty” than the oath they swore to uphold the Constitution compelled them. Or — in fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s words — “the threat” was too great. Never mind that the nature of “the threat” was that the people might elect someone he and Mr. Comey disapproved of as president, and that that person might actually serve his term, as elected.

The extent of the criminal misconduct of the former law enforcement and intelligence chiefs is now notorious, but to make the right point here, it has to be summarized. The fact that the officially preferred candidate lied to federal officials about her emails and acted in outright contempt of Congress and the legal process in the destruction of evidence, was simply ignored by the FBI director, who announced that she would not be prosecuted, though he had no authority to make that determination.

The dossier of salacious gossip and defamatory falsehoods amassed by a retired British spy from the lowest grade of intelligence sources in Russia, commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, was circulated to the media by high public officials and cited in illegal and dishonest applications to authorize surveillance of the campaign of the other presidential candidate. A special counsel was empowered on the false pretext of the necessity to get to the bottom of Trump-Russian collusion in the election..

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Jussie Smollett and the Information Warfare of the Left

jussie smollettTaylor Day – Have you sensed a pattern in the way stories like Jussie Smollett’s hoax or the Covington kids’ confrontation take over your social media?  Do you read or listen to the news regularly, wondering in advance how each story can be spun?  Is it increasingly frustrating to see facts distorted to bolster hate and fear?  Have you been aware of pain you feel as you watched loved ones being fed lies by sources they trust?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are the victim of emotional and philosophical warfare.  There is a type of hostile tactic that’s been given a new name: DARVO.

I reached out to Jeff Giesea, an entrepreneur and information warfare expert based in Washington, D.C.  He describes DARVO as “a tactic of abusers when confronted where they deny, attack, and then shift blame.  The term came from studies of emotional abuse and sexual trauma, but DARVO behavior shows up in many contexts.”  He also views it as “a form of psychological warfare.” Continue reading

Democrats Can’t Hide Crazy!

trumpWayne Allyn Root – Back in November I predicted all of this. I wrote my most controversial column ever. After the GOP had lost the House, I predicted the big winner of the November midterms was…

President Trump.

I’m sure many of my readers thought I was stark raving mad. But my November prediction has proven 100% correct. Back then, I predicted putting Democrats in charge would embarrass them, expose them, destroy them. Suddenly the craziest and most radical Democrats could no longer be hidden. I believed Democrats winning the House was the best thing that ever happened to Trump. I was “on the money.” Continue reading